Trump And Johnson's Bid To Suppress The Vote, Shut Down The Government, And Spread Panic


I think the biggest test for Trump comes on Thursday with his next rally in Tucson. Word is the campaign had to pay for the venue up front.

Empty seats and people leaving early will not go unnoticed.

I actually expect him to have the doors locked to keep everyone inside.



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“when he announced he was delaying the vote to “build consensus””…

“We are going to continue to work on this. The whip is going to do the hard work to build consensus and work on the weekend on that,”

Basically, this communicates this thing is dead in the water.


The Freedumb caucus should try vacating the speakership right before the election. They’re flinging so much shit they might as well see if it sticks.


It would be awful if the TikToc kids managed to snag all the tickets like they did four years ago in Tulsa.


It’s one thing for us to hold the line on performative poison pill amendments. It’s a whole other thing to participate in keeping the speaker job vacant if repubs push MJ out because no speaker means no spending bill makes it to a floor vote. I’d like to see the little fucker gone, but my sense is that we’d get some of the blame for not getting him back in so he can bring up the bill.

Of course, if it comes to that, he should have to publicly agree to bring up a clean spending bill to gain our support, just like he had to do last time.


Yes, well however nice it is for Mike to have his Congressional ManDate with Trump shoved down his own legislative throat, kitteh litter cannot contain the small, dark, elongated pieces of stench for long. What? How did you know I have grown up with felines? Taylor knows; Donald blows.

Venue Info
Linda Ronstadt Music Hall

125’ x 49.5’ square foot stage
Continental seating for 2,289

I guess we should expect him to claim a crowd size of about 20,000.

ETA: The Greensboro and Charlotte venues for Harris rallies hold around 22,000 and 8,600 respectively, so look for DT claims of about 50 people for her.



Note to all TRUE Republicans (i.e. non-RINOs, in other words MAGAts), you own the party show so the rest of them who is boss:

PLEASE proceed to vote in favor of this government shutdown, this will prove once and for all, that NO ONE would be a better president that TRUMP and NO ONE is better equipped to run the federal government.


"The former president has ‘siloed himself off into an unhealthy media ecosystem,’ said the [CNN] anchor, acknowledging that many politicians and Americans ‘limit their intake of information to that which comports with their preexisting beliefs and narratives.’”

'But ‘what we saw last night with Mr. Trump, however, is something far more nefarious’ and ‘evidence of someone not just stuck in an information silo, but a misinformation silo,’ he continued."

AKA Cognitive Dissonance


this is true??? Read the whole thing. It will blow you away
Opinion | Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Will Support Kamala Harris - POLITICO

I am The only lawyer in American history to serve both as White House counsel and as attorney general. So, while that does not make me special, it does give me a rather unique perspective about presidential decision-making and the necessity of electing a president who respects the rule of law to safeguard our liberties and way of life.

The American presidency is the most powerful position in the world. Of course, our constitution and laws, as well as institutions such as Congress and our courts, act as guardrails to that power. The law provides the certainty ofaccountability and fundamental fairness. Yet it is the president’s integrity, honesty and respect for our institutions that may be the most important and reliable check on abuses of power.

As the United States approaches a critical election, I can’t sit quietly as Donald Trump — perhaps the most serious threat to the rule of law in a generation — eyes a return to the White House. For that reason, though I’m a Republican,
I’ve decided to support Kamala Harris for president.


There was once a time in this nation when the person elected to the Speaker’s position was an experienced, talented politician, someone with years of experience in the House, who’d learned how to compromise, how to strong arm, and to negotiate. Now, the GOP has a clown with, (and it’d be hard to over-state this), not the first fscking clue how the government even works, let alone how to engage in politics. There’s a good reason the DNC is out raising whatever it is that the RNC is now called.


Do you think
Trump is drowning in the misinformation swamp he helped create (


She’s more a force of nature than your average celebrity.

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Minor edit


No, no, it’ll work this time. I know, I know the very definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. But you’ve heard of the law of averages, right. Sooner or later this thing’s got to work and I think this is the time. Really I do. Okay, bye Mr. President.