Trump And Johnson's Bid To Suppress The Vote, Shut Down The Government, And Spread Panic

Yep — as always, it turns out that the call from the axe-wielding psycho is coming from inside the House Freedom Caucus.


That’s an awesome chart, thanks for sharing! I love how, outside of the bottom of the Great Depression in 1931, both Kevin and Mike are competing against Antebellum Congresses for their turn and burn leadership of wingnuts. No wonder the MAGAGOP keep bleating ‘civil war’ and ‘states rights’ like a bunch of sheep, they’re stuck in the Nineteenth Century.


Early voting starts Sept. 20 in Virginia; I think NC absentee ballots were supposed to go out late this week but then had to be delayed because of litigation over whether RFK, Jr. will be on the ballot. (The election officials denied his request to be taken off the ballot because it wasn’t submitted until after the deadline for making ballot changes, but the Trump/ RFK, Jr. people managed to get a court to overrule that. Don’t know whether that is being appealed but even if not, NC has to print out a new batch of ballots.)


Woo-hoo! Louise Lucas is the Queen of the Virginia Senate! (Well, OK, her official title is "President Pro-tem of the Senate, but I still think of here as its Queen.)

She is also Governor Fleece Vest’s biggest headache. I wonder if that picture is his concept for the Potomac Yard Arena that he was trying to float and that Lucas has a big hand in sinking.


Not to mention someone who knew how to count votes!!!


Self-serving CNN twaddle.

The only problem, we’re now learning, is that no one of any influence is on board with this plan besides the two of them.

Should we consider each of them as no longer belonging to the group of people with influence, then?

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So the whole SAVE Act thing is just kabuki theater? They know they don’t need it, and they don’t really want it - the whole effort is just to be able to say “Oh! If only the Democrats had passed the SAVE Act, millions of illegals wouldn’t have voted, and Trump would have been the clear winner!”


OT: Harris sees largest 24-hour fundraising haul since entering race: report

Vice President Kamala Harris raised a staggering $47 million — just in the 24 hours after the debate in Philadelphia, reported The New York Times on Thursday.



Maybe then Louisiana would rethink supporting republicans?


I find it much harder to analyze the behavior of GOP congressfolk now that they are all kept in office exclusively by dark money + extreme gerrymandering. They don’t need the same kind of legislative stunts that were the hallmark of the '90s and 2000s. They don’t exactly need to win over any voters to stay in office.



Right, Donnie?


No. Dems are always the ones expected to compromise and be responsible and save the republicans from themselves. this time if they want to play stupid games , they can win the stupid prize of a government shutdown. If the free dumb caucus vacates the chair, dems need to make it clear that the cost of their support is voting for or voting present to make Hakeem Jeffries speaker of the house. There is a reason we, as a country, do not negotiate with terrorists.

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He finally figured out someone should check the vote totals before the bill is presented?


I would prefer if the Dems stay out of this for the time being. LET THEM FIGHT

And this is precisely the reason that the media will scream that it’s the dems fault if we don’t get MJ back in. It’s unfair, but I think it’s a higher risk to us than to repubs if that’s the sticking point and we don’t need that right before the election.

TFG is afraid to debate Harris again because he is :chicken: :chicken: :chicken:

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TCF’s (raided) piggybank?

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When reached for a quote, Satan said “can’t speak now, looking for my iceskates”