Trump Ally Gets A Taste Of MAGA's Medicine

On the plus side, will it decrease the percentage of underage pregnancies?

OK, sorry. Other than mock the weird and convoluted logic that would be required to actually implement these bad ideas what can you do.

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Well I am waiting to hear what their plan is going be with all the current frozen embryos that are in their state.
Will they confiscate them and put them in some sort state protection Child Welfare system?


I’m sure there is truth in both those perspectives on the anti-abortion movement, but I wouldn’t discount willful ignorance about the biology of human reproduction as a contributing factor. It’s what allows the emotional appeals about how embryos are “babies.” Or misinformation about the point where a fetus can feel pain. Or the mistaken beliefs about “fetal heartbeats” that ties into all the cultural programming about how the heart is something more than just a muscle.

If more kids were educated in the science of human reproduction, and fewer adults turned a blind eye to those facts, there would still be an anti-abortion movement for the reasons enumerated above (weak eugenics, etc.). But it might be a smaller basket of angry idiots trying to control women.


Kids have standing to bring science-based court cases. It kind of makes sense. If incumbent hydrocarbon companies and companies that combust large amounts of carbon have been allowed (even subsidized) to alter the composition of the atmosphere and seas, kids, who must deal with the consequences, have a right to say they don’t accept such changes.


You mean actually question them, rather than nodding along or staring blankly when this inanity is spouted?



Too bad you don’t have the resources to do something about it. Let’s see if Kunce can pull it out. I notice the lastest poll does not have Hawley above 50%. Missouri is what happens when the Democratic party abandons a state. Thank you Rahm Emanuel.


Ignorant Design?

You’re right of course, but back to my original comment, can you excuse yourself from participating in the infliction of suffering because you chose to ignore the acts committed in your name?

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Do you realize that often multiple eggs are fertalized when a normal pregnancy occures. Usually only one of the fertalized eggs survives and grows to term. Between a third and a half of fertalized eggs don’t implant. God must murder the other embryos. The religious AGs in multiple states should bring God up on murder charges.




As is true of many a MAGA, they believe that only one side owns all these guns they’re protecting. When they find out how misguided that is, the “well regulated” clause will suddenly mean something else to the framers.


Puppy seems alarmed at whatever might be being cooked up on the teevee.


The 50-state approach is best, because even in apparently hopeless situations, surprises happen (surprises like Republican candidates cannibalizing each other). Mary Peltola of Alaska, who won reelection in 2022, is a good case in point. The DNC’s decision not to get into the Emilio Heurta CA race in 2016 is also classic example of sitting on the sidelines and losing a very gettable seat. “Joshua” Hawley, the other pride of the Claremont Institute (after Tom Cotton natch), is about as venal and mendacious as they come. I don’t know why he imagines he would do better in a Trump autocracy. Such smarmy types are usually the first to be blamed when the regime fails to perform.


Way O/T - I was struck at how, even sitting around an enormous crater, the result of an Israeli bombing, kids will be kids. Look at the little guy in the lower left corner and tell me he hasn’t snuck up on his friend (or maybe even his brother) and is about to push him down the slope and run away laughing.


The Jimmy Glick item is hilarious. Maher was a crushing bore years & years & years ago. And Short is a treasure


Hunter Biden’s case was bad law and shitty wording.

The NY law in bruen was just bad law. Person could have an impeccable record, no flags whatsoever, pass all of the gates to be cleared for concealed carry, and they could still deny it for entirely subjective reasons.

NY should’ve just tweaked the law, it would’ve been simple to avoid the outcome, instead they just set up everything to get worse.

He’s looking at me. Maybe a bad hair day?


One of my favorite shows. The guest stars are awesome. Where else on TV can you get Meryl Streep for a season?


Indeed true, agree, and I believe they will have to wade through a lot of cases which is my point, that the choice you just pointed out that they made, that puts a heavy work load on them.

When there is no underlying legal principle except “I win, you lose libs” or when the underlying principle has many knock-on effects because consequences have been poorly thought out if at all (a strong tendency for these conservative SCOTUS members), SCOTUS has guaranteed many cases headed their way, by necessity. Just big changes in direction might up their work load in future cases, but this is worse.

Basically conservatives thought liberal justices for years legislated from the bench, it is basically conservative gospel, and now they want to do the same. But running your logic principally around grievance has the consequence of just ending up at a stupid place many times.

And really legislating from the bench might mean they need spelling it all out, chapter and verse as we say; but they have to go case by case to shape laws they want instead of actually writing one. Very inefficient way of doing things, that is why we have Congress write laws instead. For example, are domestic abusers the only people that can be excluded guns? May be not, so let’s see the other cases! They will all get appealed to SCOTUS because of Bruen and now this case Rahimi. Which side does each situation fall has to be answered according to their so-called “historical analysis”.

I hope they face all the hard work and even shame for the many cases headed their way


No, that’s God the Immaculate Micromanager picking winners and losers. Or the “jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.” All the others are the work of heathen murderers the Immaculate Micromanager forgot to micromanage.


Only if she has a lack of melanin in her skin.

Fortson opened the door, his legally purchased gun in his right hand. It was at his side, pointing to the ground. The deputy said “Step back” then immediately began firing. Fortson fell backward onto the floor.