Trump Ally Gets A Taste Of MAGA's Medicine

I find Martin short to be a bit hit or miss but this was a flippin’ DELIGHT. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Thank you.


love that show! I’m looking forward to season 4!


what a great story, thank you!

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I absolutely love this!
I’d love it even more if the same message can be applied to the entirety of the Republican Party, because it’s all true for every single Republican at every single level of elected office. The Republican Party is a Party of Cowards. The Republican Party is corrupt. The Republican Party embraces convicted felons as their leaders. Being a Republican is the very definition of crazy.


That is precisely the conundrum the notorious RBG foretold in her dissent ridiculing the “sincerely held religious belief” rationale in Hobby Lobby.

There is an overriding interest, I believe, in keeping the courts “out of the business of evaluating the relative merits of differing religious claims,” or the sincerity with which an asserted religious belief is held. Indeed, approving some religious claims while deeming others unworthy of accommodation could be “perceived as favoring one religion over another,” the very “risk the Establishment Clause was designed to preclude.” The Court, I fear, has ventured into a minefield, by its immoderate reading of RFRA.


It’s shocking at what’s happened to Missouri. I’m old enough to remember when they used to elect Democratic candidates to statewide or national office. Now, they’re basically northern Alabama. We used to ask ourselves what’s the matter with Kansas. Well, at least they have a Democratic governor and have spurned some of the most radical elements of their Republican Party. What the hell is the matter with Missouri?


C’mon now. Be reasonable. Can we please compromise on God is my Abortion Doctor?


The Civil War is alive and well, and the Slave States are gaining momentum.
Seriously. This defines the Republican Party in Missouri right now.


Red states are the confederacy plus a few more like Indiana.


Crazy like a fox wearing a straitjacket and muzzle.


And Ohio…and West Virginia…and Iowa…and…

Is there anything more upside down, inside out, and backward than citizens of Union states – with hundreds of Civil War memorials to their dead Blue – ubiquitously sporting the Stars and Bars?


While some in the mainstream media still harp on replacing President Biden, this is going on. Sheer madness, and while it’s extremely unlikely Trump will be replaced, I welcome any and all chaos at their convention.


Also IANAL. That said legal language and its interpretation is clearly somewhat fungible. As just one example, billionaires take Clarence Thomas on nice vacations and then we find that Clarence Thomas has views very similar to the billionaires that courted him, and those opinions make their way into the law. Now, from my perspective, that degrades the law. And as consequence, our opinion could be a whole lot better than the law on a specific issue.

The second amendment is a case in point. Historians I have read think the word militia means something analogous to the National Guard in today’s world, and arms are weapons that militias use. From that perspective, it does not refer to ordinary people like me that are not part of the National Guard. When the Constitution was written, those groups were more informal and not so professional, but the world evolves. But a lot of money has poured into making the second amendment mean something else. So, we get Bruen and Rahimi; Bruen stupid, and Rahimi stupid too but trying to clean up the mess of Bruen. Now, my opinion might be better, but it means squat in legal terms in the US. IANAL.


I don’t think he really cares - about anything at all.
He’s nothing more than a sack of resentment focused on revenge and retribution for all those who don’t appreciate his greatness.

“High tech lynching” indeed.
I knew how he was going to end up the moment I heard him say that in his confirmation hearing.

ETA: Oh, there’s one other thing he cares about - bribes from billionaires.


It is really galling to see it here in Maine. Within a few miles of a cemetery with graves of Civil War veterans who died at Little Round Top are ignorant traitors flying that cursed flag in front of their house. In my darker moments I fantasize about channelling my inner Sherman.


I’m reposting this from Xitter because it’s pretty fucking scary…


The amount of blood on gods hands far exceed even the best attempt by the worst humans.
Like I said above, the guy is just a dick.


When I was a kid, my parents would take us on road trips every Summer from FL to our family cabin built by my grandfather in Boone, NC. Along the way we’d stop at roadside “Stucky’s” stores in GA or SC where the gift shops were full of Confederate tchotchkes. Funny little soldier figurines with “The South Shall Rise Again!” logos, Confederate flags and hats, etc.

Back then it seemed more tongue-in cheek and not a serious political statement. Like the way the “Dukes of Hazzard” TV series used the flag on the roof of the boys’ car and named it the General Lee.

I think it’s a fairly recent thing that people have been willing to use the Confederate flag openly to identify with the far right wing of the GOP, instead of just a “good old boy from the South” identifier. Trump gave them permission to do it.


Do you think Thomas actually cares one way or the other? The best I can tell Thomas “believes” whatever the money men tell him to believe. I believe that Thomas puts his biggest effort into snipping bits of the Constitution and weaving them together to fit whatever opinion he was tasked with proving.

Thomas: Hmm. My friend Bob Moneybags manufactures Bermuda Grass Be Gone. Everyone knows Bermuda Grass is bad and causes ebike accidents among younger children, therefore, Bermuda Grass needs to be outlawed to save the children. It must be eradicated with Bermuda Grass Be Gone. Let me think. Yeah, I can make that case. The Founders never intended children to ride ebikes and riding through the neighbors’ Bermuda Grass can make them fall. The Bible says children should obey their parents about riding over the neighbors’ lawn. The Constitution says, “The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court…,” therefore I’m the boss of everyone. Given these facts, the eradication of Bermuda Grass with Bermuda Grass Be Gone will be mandated in the U.S. as the Constitution and the Bible decree.


Many of us would like a coherent answer to that question. I’m in STL, one of the three blue spots in the state.
Lived here all my life. Too old to restart somewhere else, and it’s still the most beautiful place on earth (to me) once you get out of the populated areas. Out in the woods, if you avoid human contact, you can almost forget the assholes exist.

Yes, I can be damn stubborn - assholes will not chase me from my home.