Trump Ally Gets A Taste Of MAGA's Medicine

Bruen was indeed a slippery slope of shit.

The courts will have a long tough effort to clean that one up. All I can do is wish as much over the top and burdensome paperwork lands on the conservative court member desks to thread all the needles of cases in dealing with it.



Dude must be overwhelmed.


“Radical progressives in New York are trying to rig the 2024 election."

Remember the time that gang of bank robbers walked into the bank with machine guns and yelled, “Everybody freeze! The president of the bank is trying to rob it, and we’re here to stop him! Youze guys open the vault, and we’ll take the money and put it in a safe place!”

And remember the NYT headline: “Armed citizens warn of bank conspiracy”?


Martin Short is wonderful.

I somehow got it into my head recently that he had passed, and it broke my heart. I’m so glad he’s still around to snark us how it’s done.


You have a gift.


Thomas made abundantly clear that virtually all gun regulations were now at existential risk.

Yay! So i can get my five year old niece a gun with a bump stock to carry around?

She’s a little excitable, and might fire it off in the store and shoot a few people, but, hey… she won’t mean any harm, and that’s the price we pay in this country, right?

Freedom can be deadly.


Yeah, I will be waiting to see how counting frozen embryos hurts these state’s bottom line in federal dollars and rankings in certain areas. Like how many children in the state are not attending private or public schools? How many children don’t graduate?


I don’t think the Supreme Court will make any serious effort to clean up the mess it has made. Its latest tools of statutory and constitutional interpretation, the “history and tradition” and “major question” doctrines, are sufficiently flexible to support whatever predetermined result it wants to dictate. Coherent legal theory has no place in a results oriented judicial branch.


I can’t figure out Will Scharf’s game plan. I’ve seen adds for him on MSNBC, while state Republicans claim he’s not a real Republican because he worked in the DOJ under Garland, but he was also one of Trump’s attorney’s.


Meanwhile in Philly today:

"When MAGA country descends on Philadelphia this weekend, they will be greeted by at least one unflattering billboard: a composite image of Donald Trump wearing an orange jumpsuit next to the message, “YOUR NOMINEE IS A CONVICTED FELON.”
Raw Story


:bird: COUP-COUP :bird:


First rate Heritage Foundation crazy.


Standing in for @21zna9


I honestly think it’s a kind of weak eugenics. Try this on for size:

They try to make the straight road as narrow as possible, and they try to make the consequences of falling off it practically deadly, and they try to force everybody to make the attempt. They help vicious wealth-hoarders turn our society into a lawless jungle, and Devil take the hindmost.

If you failed to avoid an inconvenient or unworkable pregnancy, they fault your judgment and self-control, and they insist on letting that onerous consequence manifest, the quicker to drag you to the Earthly perdition they help establish. So it goes with every other flavor of misfortune.

They think they are sifting us. They think (wrongly) that everybody who survives this relentlessly cruel gauntlet does so on the strength of their own merits, and that people who falter have insufficient worth to warrant a place on the planet. They think they are cultivating a godly people by throwing everyone into a meat-grinder and waiting to see whether anybody can emerge “miraculously” unscathed.

It’s basically the plot of Unbreakable, without Sam Jackson’s glimmer of self-doubt.


I nsurrection what you did there.


I’ve been cautioned that "Not all ‘Right to life supporters,’’ want to increase human suffering. I acknowledge that reality. The problem I have had for a very long time is that if you don’t want to increase human suffering, you must acknowledge that fundamentally silence is assent.


Uhm… what is what Sen. Roger Marshall told you last Thursday? Did he literally say “Hey, Emine, Words of Wisdom, yo”? If you’re going to start off a section with ‘That’s what [whoever] told me…’, you really need to include the quote somewhere in the section.

If you’re only going to link to it, put the link on ‘told me’, but that’s still sloppy and bad. Especially when the linked article contains two different quotes by the person in question, many paragraphs apart. Which of these are the ‘words of wisdom’?


I can’t imagine this is a thing a writer would do, so… good job, TPM, you obviously have someone editing now, I guess? Next request, get someone in there who’s good at it?


Watch him in Only Murders In The Building (3 seasons, Hulu) with Steve Martin and Selena Gomez. Brilliant together.


That’s probably their rationale. At the same time, I’m reminded of Planned Parenthood workers and other Gynecological Services providers who talk about people who walk those picket lines who find themselves in emergency pregnancies who get abortions. There is an intricate reason why they need an abortion, but those “sluts” should be forced to carry that child. There’s definitely a supremacy/superiority aspect to this. It’s just that others should suffer, not them or people like them.


I just re-read the linked article detailing the Bruen decision, and I have questions.

  1. Even ignoring the militia clause, the 2nd Amendment says “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
  2. to my non-lawyer but plain-text logical mind this means: “you can own a gun (keep) and you can carry it around with you (bear)”
  3. It does not say anywhere that you can hide the gun.

I recall @castor_troy pointing out previously that the regulation struck down in Bruen was poorly written, but don’t recall the details.

Thomas really, really wants America to be a big ol’ gun-totin’ free-for-all. None of these ammosexuals can ever honestly answer the question “if no one is responsible for your safety but you and your gun, why do we even have police?”. The corollary is “Why have a government?” You need to pray that the warlord you pledge your family to is a benevolent tyrant.