The interesting part of this story is that the money that TIFBG has received has come from only a couple of sources, one of which gave the campaign 50 million dollars at one swoop.
That’s not exactly a grass-roots campaign strategy. While it did happen, it’s not impressive.
I bet that comes up in the debate this week. Biden would be a fool not to hammer that one home the minute TIFBG starts rambling on about migrant murder fiasco.
Some will. Across the former GOP there is an element who are simply authoritarian followers who claim to have principles of different kinds to excuse their support for people who hate them, but really supporting the party is their only identity. Sen. Graham is a poster boy.
Honestly? Term limits. State reps and senators are limited to two terms each, so they can’t actually establish any working relationships before buh-bye. All of the institutional memory is in the lobbyists. So good government types can’t stick around, and bozos get in, start to learn the ropes and maybe become less bozostic, and leave.
That reminds me. I saw a pink Tesla pulling a float in the Cincinnati Pride parade on Saturday. I take some pleasure that this use of a Tesla would drive Musk crazy.
And it doesn’t have to be a heart attack; I would be fine with a stroke, a pulmonary embolism, a lightning bolt delivered via 3-iron, a meteorite, a building collapse (at an extended family gathering), motor vehicle accident, nailed by a bicycle messenger, “Bizarre Tsunami Strikes Mar-a-Lago”, pasted by a single-engine airplane (piloted by Michael Flynn), esophageal laceration by tortilla chip, . . .
Each new MM needs its own hamster on a wheel to help power the servers, and TPM is running short of hamsters. Or running short of whoever has to get up in the morning and throw the switch. One of those two things.
Indeed. I was informed a few days ago that the comments must be manually activated for each article, at least for now. So obviously, someone ain’t done that yet for today’s MM.