Trump Ally Gets A Taste Of MAGA's Medicine

Yeah, join the club. :grimacing:


The 10 yr old beats the recent but the recent ain’t bad. Age in bourbon is to be looked for.


Wait, with or without his shirt?
I wanna see those “wounds” he promised!

All we’ll see with the assless chaps are lipstick smears (all the supplicants appear to be wearing makeup these days).

There, that ought to do it. You’ll thank me after the ‘real’ event - it will be worse.

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Geebus! Now I’m gonna avoid Thursday TV completely. I will not turn it on. And trump bearing scars is a fucking lie.
From yahoo news…

"In his speech, the former president suggested he has been through more than any other president in history.

“I have the wounds all over my body,” Trump said. “If I took this shirt off, you’d see a beautiful, beautiful person but you’d see wounds all over me.”"
… … … …

So, how many times has he been shot? Nailed to a cross? Left for dead for 3 says? Shot in the head like Lincoln or Kennedy?


One could hope for just once…

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Given how impaired he appears to be, I think the wounds are bruises from falling.


erm, i think the bruises are from when he threw the whole bottle of catsup at the wall. being plastic,it bounced back and smacked him in the face… there ya go, another visual brainworm.
you’re welcome.

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Ever consider prefixing “theghostof”?


That actor from SNL. He’s the closest thing I’ve seen to Trump.


What is @thebishop’s avatar anyways? Looks Monty Python-ish

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I swear, I did a Google Image search on Monty Python The Bishop and didn’t see anything that looked connected before I posted that. I should have tried harder.

Ahh, I see actually I did a Brave browser search. Not the same thing.
This was the closest they came

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Ok, Devious, DON’T MOVE!

Palin had the best facial expressions.


Agreed. Anthony Atamanuik was also good with The President Show, which he did up until covid I think. That was a hoot as well.

James Johnson is incredibly gifted and does a whole range of impersonations. This is one of my favorites, of sportscasting legend Bill Walton.

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Trump can blaspheme the irreligious, atheists, the godless, and liberals, but not the actual “believers” who should see him as a blasphemer if they actually believed what they say they believe. But they don’t. Stupid, vulnerable, ignorant cultists, seeking a personal god, because that mean motherfucker their idiot parents terrified them into “worshiping” never really shows up, but the preachers, showmen, grifters, and Trump are right there telling them how perfect they are in their white and passive ignorance. Stupid and ignorance kill.


It’s embarrassing that this blowhard drunkard holds any public office.


“Roberts Tries To Put The Bruen Toothpaste Back In the Tube”

also known as ‘Roberts tries to put the shit back in the horse.’


Ladies and gentlemen, this morning I am terrified. I watched the MSNBC segment with the head of the Heritage Foundation yesterday explaining Project 2025. Nothing has chilled me to my bones more that that segment where a polished executive from one of the most well known conservative think tanks was repeating Trump’s shit without flinching. The conservatives have decided to go to war to make sure our democracy ends now. They won’t abide by the results of the election. There will be no peace in America after the election. Those fuckers are out to destroy all that we stand for as a country.


Thanks to the struggling Minocqua Brewing Company in Wisconsin, these signs are appearing in the metro Milwaukee area and points north, on the roads Wisconsinites take to get to their summer cabins:

There are about six of these throughout.

They also have yard signs. If you’re in Wisconsin, you can go to the website to purchase.


And He keeps saying ‘No’. That’s the part that bugs.