Trump Ally Gets A Taste Of MAGA's Medicine

Not just in science; they have standing to bring others, too. One of the lawsuits that was folded into the Brown v Board of Education suit that was decided by the Supreme Court in 1954 was Davis v. Prince Edward County [VA] School Board, which included as plaintiffs 117 students. Not only did it have more students than any of the other Brown cases, it was the only one that was actually initiated by students.

Post hoc: I will add that a statue of Barbara Johns, the student who organized the strike that led to the filing of the lawsuit against Prince Edward County, has replaced the statue of Robert E. Lee in Congress’s Statuary Hall.


Tucson reached 112 a few days ago before the humidity arrived
And I posted months ago that summer was gonna be brutal


The debate begins. Biden walks up to the podium, then slowly removes a pistol from his jacket and places it on the podium, sideways so it’s aimed at Trump. Then he takes out his Ray-Ban aviators and puts them on, with a grin…


I think if SCOTUS decides explicitly that Trump is not immune, that hurts him and quite likely, right before the election. If they decide explicitly that Trump is above the law, that hurts both Trump and SCOTUS going forward. So they’ll decide somewhere in the middle. Probably punt it back down to the lower courts to parse it all out as many have been suggesting, thus pushing it past the election which appears to be their corrupt intent.


She’s still wielding that shovel. Pretty clueless for someone that aspires to be VP.


Get used to it. The world is getting hotter and the coasts are going to get a lot wetter. Hurricanes in New England will be a real thing, not just a once every thirty year event.


Earlier when I mistakenly logged in with an email rather than password, my avatar didn’t show up. Once I fixed that, the avatar was visible. Wonder if that might be @thebishop problem.


I can see your avatar when you post, but if I reply to you then it’s like the old Zombie’s song “She’s Not There”.


Trump would cease to layer on his orange makeup?


That’s certainly the way I always saw it when I was growing up. Anyone who took it seriously was considered a crackpot. But evidently, there were a lot of closeted crackpots.


Orange would become the new orange?


It is different, but I think they’re fun. I get to see you all for a little bit longer, then I get to see you bump into each other!


They are missing 4 others…


I can live forever on the strength of this reverie.


The lady who says Trump is a showman and what he says goes in one ear and out the other is close to what my Republican friends are saying about Trump. Nobody on the right is taking him or the Project 25 planks seriously. The man wants to be a dictator first.

How did CBS select this panel?


Some foreign news…

Deadly attacks on Dagestan synagogue and churches

13 minutes ago

By Henri Astier, BBC News

Reuters Scene of attack in Makhachkala

Gunmen in Russia’s North Caucasus republic of Dagestan have killed six police officers in a series of attacks, security officials say.

Twelve other officers were also wounded in the attacks.

A synagogue, two churches and a police checkpoint were targeted in the cities of Derbent and Makhachkala.

A Russian Orthodox priest has also been killed and at least two attackers shot dead, state media report, quoting the local Interior Ministry.

The hunt for more gunmen is still ongoing.

The assailants have not been identified, but Dagestan has in the past been the scene of Islamist attacks.


We are entirely out of Wisconsin and our friends, all but one, are gone.

The one that remains is a trumper through and through (the one with long COVID).


My take exactly.

1 Like

Or liposuction gone wrong.


OK. How about JFK donald?
Or Lincoln?
That’s just for the head shots.
Now as to other areas of donnie’s incomparable expertise…from 2016…

“I understand the tax laws better than almost anyone, which is why I’m the one who can truly fix them,” Donald Trump claimed Monday in Colorado.

It is one of many issues on which Trump is one of the world’s foremost experts, according to Trump. In fact, you might say he’s the best at being a self-proclaimed expert.

Below is a list of the many things about which Trump says he knows more than just about anybody. Even for a guy who’s fond of hyperbole, it’s a lot to take in.

1) Renewables

“I know more about renewables than any human being on Earth.” — April 2016

2) Social media

“I understand social media. I understand the power of Twitter. I understand the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on my results, right?” — November 2015

3) Debt

“Nobody knows more about debt. I’m like the king. I love debt.” — May 2016

4) Taxes, again

“I think nobody knows more about taxes than I do, maybe in the history of the world. Nobody knows more about taxes.” — May 2016

"Nobody knows more about taxes than I do – and income than I do.” – May 2016

5) Banking

“Nobody knows banking better than I do” — February 2016

6) Wall Street bankers

MATT LAUER: You’re a guy who said you know the Wall Street bankers better than anyone.

TRUMP: Better than anyone.

— April 2016 on NBC’s “Today” show

7) Money

“I understand money better than anybody. I understand it far better than Hillary, and I’m way up on the economy when it comes to questions on the economy.” — June 2016

8) The U.S. system of government

“I think nobody knows the system better than I do.” — August 2016

“I am a person that used to be establishment when I’d give them hundreds of thousands of dollars. But when I decided to run, I became very anti-establishment, because I understand the system than anybody else.” — July 2016

“Nobody knows the system better than I do.” — April 2016

9) Campaign contributions

“I used to be, George, the fair-haired boy — you know, when I was a contributor. I know more about contributions than anybody.” — November 2015

10) Politicians

“Nobody knows politicians better than Donald Trump.” — February 2016 rally

11) Sen. Cory Booker

(We’re putting this on the list assuming that nobody ELSE knows more about Booker than Booker, which would make Trump the world’s foremost non-Cory Booker expert on Cory Booker.)

12) Trade

“Nobody knows more about trade than me.” — March 2016

13) Jobs

14) Infrastructure

“Nobody in the history of this country has ever known so much about infrastructure as Donald Trump.” — July 2016

15) The military

“There’s nobody bigger or better at the military than I am.” — June 2015 Fox News interview

16) ISIS

“I know more about ISIS [the Islamic State militant group] than the generals do. Believe me.” — November 2015

17) Defense — and offense

“So a general gets on, sent obviously by Obama, and he said, ‘Mr. Trump doesn’t understand. He knows nothing about defense.’ I know more about offense and defense than they will ever understand, believe me. Believe me. Than they will ever understand. Than they will ever understand.” — July 2016

18) The ‘horror of nuclear’

“There is nobody who understands the horror of nuclear more than me.” – June 2016

19) The visa system

“Because nobody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B. I know the H2B. Nobody knows it better than me.” – March 2016