Trump Activates National Guard | Talking Points Memo

Trump activates National Guard in hard hit states. Abbott doesn’t declare a stay home order because some counties haven’t been hit hard yet.

When are Republicans going to realize there are two kinds of communities in America right now. Communities that have been hit hard and communities that will be hit hard.

The best chance we have is for the President and the people leading red states to realize that this is all hands on deck. Ideology be damned. In the absence of a real vaccine we are going to have to get really, really serious everywhere when it comes to social distancing. Otherwise we are going to endure a slow motion disaster right up to the time most everybody has been infected and 1.9 million Americans die.


This is very important information because some of the most dangerous people epidemiologically are those that are asymptomatic, but carrying the virus. Since we’re obviously not going to get testing capabilities at the level we need, at least this could help.


As soon as I saw the article, I did a sniff test… yup - perfumed hand soap. :smile:


About a year ago I got this inner-ear infection and was suddenly, like instantly, as dizzy as I’d ever been in my life. So I went, trembling, to the bathroom and looked to see if I could smile on both sides of my mouth, which I could. Again, somewhat reassuring. If I were you I’d pour some bourbon just to be on the safe side. You can’t take any chances where your health is concerned.


using the guard makes sense if it is for logistics. i would suggest Lt. Gen. Honoree’ to run the op. of course, he would be exempt from ass kissing duties.


A more humane blowhard never did in U.S. exist
There’s no impulse however stupid that I can resist
With facts fantastic and movement so spastic ,other guys can take the fall
And word salad so crazy that it’s just 'cause I’m lazy I haven’t yet killed you all.

My Object all sublime, I shall achieve in time
A disaster on a catastrophe on top of a treasonous crime.
And with each lie I meant, the truth to represent
The powerful men that I resent, the men that I resent.


At today’s presser we found out trump is understandably feeling put out and unappreciated because he never gets thanked for not taking a salary.


He never seemed like he would be good at it.


Ask the Haitians how they feel about UN Peacekeepers that brought cholera there.


I got it: Yo Trump, thank you for not taking your salary. Now do your fucking job.


[quote=“discobot, post:1, topic:178957”]
Trump added that through FEMA, the federal government will fully fund the cost of deploying national guard units to “carry out approved missions to stop the virus while those governors remain in command.”

It’s the “approved missions” part that concerns me. Who’s going to be making that decision?

ETA: Oops, @leftcoaster beat me to it.


he might put his cigar out on trump’s forehead.


Or earned from a previous lifetime.

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The press corp basically asked trump in so many words “are you going make some bank with this crisis?”

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My suggestion would be throwing a shoe at him and watching it bounce off his forehead.

It’s a cultural thing in Iraq as a sign of respect.


I’ve only watched the first 23 minutes so far, but he’s already said “Chinese Virus” twice, given another shout-out to untested off-label drug therapies, and bragged about receiving the highest approval ratings ever for veterans hospitals. He also said a few scripted words of

The “Chinese Virus” references in his script were there to juice his base.

He remarked how differently people were talking in the past two or three weeks, how united we all all acting. It’s true, he hasn’t brought up the Democrat Hoax in a few days, just the “Chinese Virus.”


OK but can you flow like Rita?


No National Guard deployment in Florida?

I guess he’s written his Fox-loving assisted-care voters off. He must figure that, although there’s still plenty of stupid to go around (known universally as his base) in the state, Florida may not be such a swing state after all. There will be way too many funerals (see Trump, Cohn, Roy), plus both of his resorts are already closed down (nowhere to stay!).

I guess it’s true: Life’s a beach, and then you drown.

Fun Fact: Any governor can deploy the National Guard without federal approval. Still, if it makes Cadet Bone Spurs feel [insert anything] ….

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After he’s out of office he’ll be asking a $500,000 honorarium to give what’s basically a campaign speech.

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i wish he would just take it. i’m tired of him doing the brag.