President Trump announced that he is activating the National Guard in California, New York and Washington state in an effort to combat the coronavirus outbreak during a briefing at the White House Sunday evening.
I expect Fox News to start blaming the Democrats for not passing the bill any moment now. Which had to be the plan all along. MoscowMitch is evil but not completely stupid. He had to know there was no way they were getting 60 votes, much less getting it through the House.
On the other hand the bill so obviously fucked over average Americans, I’m not sure why they think the blame game will work either.
The persistnet use of “strongly” is a real fetish with the shitgibbon. He may think it makes him seem strong, but all it does for me is hint that English is not his native language. Maybe it’s idiomatic in Old Bulgarian or something.
Exactly what is the National Guard suppose to do? Are they impervious to the virus?
Big Question:
Will the members of the National Guard be tested before they are let loose in these communities?
If he’s going to activate the National Guard, at least he left them under state control while the Feds pay the bill. The correct approach according to this article. Now, we just need unity of command.