Trump Activates National Guard | Talking Points Memo

Does this mean that Trump is leading from behind?


Anyone else remember this from three weeks ago?


Sooo predictable

When will he send his platoon of GI Joe’s or does he just play with them in his White House bedroom?


He is a horrible person and a carrier.


Just 3 weeks ago? I’m aging in dog years.


Time flies when you’re having fun.


Activating the National Guard? WTF? Do they have really tiny rifles?


Somehow I am not reassured.

What is the Natl Guard going to do? Shoot the virus on sight?


“It is a question, a very good question,” Trump said. “I don’t know if you can do it constitutionally, but we are considering letting people vote — senators, congressmen and women — from a separate location.”

It’s not up to you, you f***ing moron. The Senate and House make their own rules .


Stop covering his “news” conferences. They are worthless and, frankly, stoke more fear than calm. He was making jokes at the latest one and, of course, having a snit with a media member who asked him a “nasty” question. After five minutes I switched to local news who were not airing it.


Bring toilet paper and weed.


The dispensaries are considered exempt. My husband is relieved.


And more importantly, will they be using masks & PPE that the medical staff in the affected areas desperately need but can’t get?



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I sure the hell hope Biden’s camp is paying attention to this shit and will use it during the campaign:

the Trump administration eliminated a key American public health position in Beijing intended to help detect disease outbreaks in China, Reuters has learned.

The American disease expert, a medical epidemiologist embedded in China’s disease control agency, left her post in July, according to four sources with knowledge of the issue


Karma is the energy you put out coming back at you. It would affect rebirth, sure. What you do today can affect you tomorrow.

I am a fan of short karmic loops. If I am screwing up I want the feedback as soon as possible. With someone like the Dumpster he is doing loooooong karmic loops. He has managed to avoid paying the piper for a long time. He may end up like that disciple of the buddha’s who had been such an appalling bastard that long after he cleaned up, random birds would drop rocks on his head as he sat in meditation. I do have difficulty visualizing the size and nature of the appropriate Dumpster load.

I am praying for everyone that they experience short karmic loops. May we all get what we deserve and promptly so mostly we are not too far off the rails.


I’m watching to see if he deploys them against the homeless…


I noticed he went out of his way to use the dickish phrase “Chinese virus”. He said it at least twice, and placed extra emphasis on the adjective. He just can’t stop. The world is on fire, and he is dumping the last of the rubbing alcohol on it (actually the last of the good will between our nations). China has been advising Italy, and we need the help too. They also may be the first with a vaccine for all we know.


repubs will make hay with this.

In a procedural vote that unfolded after three days of fast-paced negotiations to reach a bipartisan compromise, Senate Democrats registered their opposition to the bill even as top negotiators continued to struggle behind the scenes to strike a deal.

The 47-47 vote was a stunning setback for a package that was emerging as the largest economic stimulus measure in modern American history — now expected to cost $1.8 trillion or more.

as its outlines emerged on Sunday, Democrats denounced the package as a corporate giveaway that favored big business over workers and failed to ensure that bailed-out companies would not enrich themselves after receiving government aid. Democrats were particularly incensed at the inclusion of a provision to give the Federal Reserve access to $425 billion that could be leveraged for loans to broad groups of struggling companies, without restrictions on which businesses could receive it or how it could be used.

At a news conference on Sunday evening, the president would not commit to publicly saying that he would not accept federal relief money for his family business, The Trump Organization. "let’s just see what happens,”