Trump Activates National Guard | Talking Points Memo

Exactly. The Guard helping could be a good thing, if there was a plan and PPE for everyone. But there is no real plan.


Moron wants to help North Korea.


They will quickly step in front of anyone who coughs in public in order to protect innocent bystanders.

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Trump announced that he is activating the National Guard in California, New York and Washington state in an effort to combat the coronavirus outbreak during a briefing at the White House Sunday evening.

I don’t think that during a briefing at the White House is necessarily the best time to try to combat the coronavirus outbreak.

It’s a bargaining chip, the only way he thinks. “We’ll scratch your back, send you a little aid, and you’ll do something to help me get reelected.


As I posted on another thread: We don’t have our own act together so how the Hell can we offer assistance?! (applies to Iran, too.) It’s redundant, but he is an unmitigated idiot.


But first, we want you to do us a favor.


Thank you! I’ve been saying this for years. (Not as to this particular situation but as to the lay understanding of karma generally.)

As you correctly note, karma, properly understood (sorry, I was a religion major in college and focused on South Asian traditions) has a kind of “Do ya feel lucky, punk?” aspect. Even if one accepts unquestioningly the whole concept of karmic payback, the assumption is that you’ll still beat the rap within your current lifetime. It then becomes a question of how much one cares about/believes in the payback waiting in the next incarnation.

I can’t even imagine what sort of creature Trump might return as.


“It is a question, a very good question,” Trump said. “I don’t know if you can do it constitutionally, but we are considering letting people vote — senators, congressmen and women — from a separate location.”

What? Really, just WTF?

As always, he’s just spewing sounds.


Because he probably did have symptoms but didn’t want to go public. So he sent his staff home and went swimming in the Senate pool.


They’re going to help ICE.

He’s been buying up safety equipment and then telling states they need to go out and find their own, he’s a fucking monster:

Increasingly defensive in the face of questions about his administration’s response, Trump said his administration was scaling up its purchase of masks but that states would need to sort out who gets them. He said “nobody in their wildest dreams” would have anticipated the need for more ventilators, which hospitals worry may run short as more patients require them.

Only a day earlier, Trump said he was signing a Korean War-era law allowing the government to force industry to scale up production of necessary equipment. But he later suggested he was wary of utilizing the Defense Production Act and wanted governors to act first.

“Governors are supposed to be doing a lot of this work,” Trump said. “The federal government is not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items, and then shipping. We’re not a shipping clerk.”


This has always been his prime motivator. The rest is speeches, rallies and self enrichment. The prospect of being a civilian must scare the bejesus out of him. He’ll do anything to avoid being prosecuted.


Indeed. Shipping clerks are required to have a certain amount of intelligence and reasonable organizational skills.


The National Guard is fine. Are you going to provide N-95 masks and personal protective equipment and training? And when you say FEMA will pay for it, that means we will pay for it - which is fine, if done right. And if medical providers get what they need.

Invoke the Defense Production Act (ETA: in fact, invoke it 2 or 3 months ago when the intelligence agencies and health experts knew this was coming) so prices can be controlled and we don’t have corporations making gazillions of dollars instead of just doing what’s right for the country (I’m sure the Trump family and others are investing strongly in companies bound to profit from this national emergency and pandemic). And so we don’t have comments like this from the FEMA director, which show exactly why you’re not putting any limits on price gauging …

“What I’ll say is if you can find it on the open market, go buy it,” Gaynor said on NBC. “Any governor that needs it, and you find it, go buy it. FEMA will reimburse you under this emergency.”

Again, if “FEMA will pay for it,” the taxpayers will pay for all the corporate profits. Which is also what the Republican Senate bailout bill will do.



A pangolin would be appropriate, but whatever it might be, I hope it lives a very long time.


Who knows why Trump does anything, but NK were crying for help. They sent up a few large signal flares over the weekend.

They definitely need it. I was amazed to see US at the top, but not surprised to see NK at the bottom. If there is real significance to this, could it be that we can avoid the worst of what Italy is experiencing?

Just had an epiphany. Not a perfect solution, but there is lots of NBC (nuclear/biological/chemical) gear that is available to the military. This is biological. It sure isn’t being used and could be made available to healthcare professionals. Guided by the NBC military specialists, the gear is reusable (thinking masks) and easily disinfected, based on what we know of the virus. Would at least provide an interim fix until other things come on line. Not a whole bunch of fun to wear for any length of time (based on personal experience), but it beats the current alternatives. The images would cause fear/panic, but like that isn’t happening now.

What am I missing?


I would suspect it’s too hot to wear for long periods, and obtrusive to move around in and see, basically.


Good people are out there improvising but we need a coordinated approach. Guy who made couches is now making masks.