Trump Activates National Guard | Talking Points Memo

Yep, but you don’t have to go full MOP. It was worn for days in the first Gulf War.

The military NBC suits and headgear probably also include communications gear that would have to be removed or disabled.

The only purpose of this is that Trump saying “I have activated the National Guard” gives him an erection.


It means passing the buck.

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I take it to mean he’s been impotent for years.


Not sure for days continuously.

Dotard finally found somebody to rake the forests.

OT but important - key emerging symptoms of Covid-19 infection are a significant diminishment/loss of the sense of smell and taste. There are indications that even otherwise ‘silent’’ infections include these symptoms.

Because of the paywall, here’s some key text:

A mother who was infected with the coronavirus couldn’t smell her baby’s full diaper. Cooks who can usually name every spice in a restaurant dish can’t smell curry or garlic, and food tastes bland. Others say they can’t pick up the sweet scent of shampoo or the foul odor of kitty litter.

Anosmia, the loss of sense of smell, and ageusia, an accompanying diminished sense of taste, have emerged as peculiar telltale signs of Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, and possible markers of infection.

On Friday, British ear, nose and throat doctors, citing reports from colleagues around the world, called on adults who lose their senses of smell to isolate themselves for seven days, even if they have no other symptoms, to slow the disease’s spread. The published data is limited, but doctors are concerned enough to raise warnings.

“We really want to raise awareness that this is a sign of infection and that anyone who develops loss of sense of smell should self-isolate,” Prof. Claire Hopkins, president of the British Rhinological Society, wrote in an email. “It could contribute to slowing transmission and save lives.”

The British physicians cited reports from other countries indicating that significant numbers of coronavirus patients experienced anosmia (sense of smell), saying that in South Korea, where testing has been widespread, 30 percent of 2,000 patients who tested positive experienced anosmia as their major presenting symptom (these were mild cases).

The article mentions that these symptoms have also been reported in China, South Korea, Italy, Germany, the UK and the US (New York)


just a guess – all these people who are getting tested? A lot of them are going to be positive and symptomatic without requiring hospitalization. These people need to be quarantined, along with their immediate families – and the Guard could be charged with getting these people to the sites (hotels, college dorns, etc) and taking care of them.

He has no idea beyond that it’s presidentish. It’s time to call up the National Guard! Which will do stuff! Who cares what stuff? I’m presidentin’ here!


Set up a perimeter and lay down a withering barrage of anti-viral fire. I mean, if you can’t use heavy artillery in a circumstance like this, what did we pay all those trillions buying the stuff for?


He was going out with a splash.

Very reassuring. Just now I clearly detected the taste of bourbon.


Some of Trump’s “very fine people”.


We’ll see. I am more worried about the safety of the Natl Guardsmen and their lack of training re infectious disease containment and protection.


No context, no criticism, no correction – TPM watches TV so you don’t have to.

trump would never, ever turn own a chunk of cash.


Don’t be silly. You obviously know nothing of the role of the modern military in pathogen mitigation.


doesn’t he know we are low on paper towels?


If he made a point of coughing on Mitch, I might be willing to make certain allowances. I mean, Rand is still pond scum, but even pond scum occasionally has its uses.

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