Top VP Contender Rep. Karen Bass Denounces Past Cuba Comments | Talking Points Memo

How sad that our hatred of the most successful communist country is so strong (I am not a Karen Bass supporter, by the way).

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It’s sad that we can’t recognize what they did right - healthcare. And Cuba has done that right.

We can acknowledge that and learn from it without praising the rest of the package.


The “Cuban experiment” might not have lasted this long without being propped up by Russia for so many years. They didn’t achieve this by themselves.

Years ago when I lived in Miami, I was the first person to run into a group of refugees during the Mariel period when I was out fishing in the Keys. A leaky, overcrowded wooden boat full of women, kids and a few guys that had drifted in the mangroves where I was fishing in a kayak.

They were thirsty, I gave them all my water and some snacks, then called the Coast Guard who sent out a boat to meet and process them. They were “feet dry” and legal under the immigration policy, and so glad to have made it. Don’t tell me Cuba was, or still is a success story, when there are people like that risking their lives to leave.


The first rule of VP’s is “do no harm”… can’t see that this would help the ticket in any way. She’s only being pushed because the Ed Rendell / Chris Dodd defeatocrat wing of the party realize that the next VP will be a black woman and they want one in the mold of the nice black lady in HR: non-aggressive, talks in dulcet tones, never rocks the boat, always takes the company line defending the status quo.


There are far less than 20, probably no more than six at this time, Bass, Warren, Duckworth, Demings (former police chief of Orlando who may not be looked at favorably everything considered) Harris, and my personal favorite for reasons I’d be happy to describe in length and have done in separate posts, Susan Rice.


I just have to say, even though it goes without saying, that this was always utterly hypocritical. It wasn’t the authoritarianism in Cuba the GOP didn’t like. It was the socialism. They’ve embraced far more brutal authoritarians in God knows how many countries or regions. But this one wasn’t OK, was in fact uniquely bad.


There are those who hate ferociously - purely because “Communism” & “Socialism” … these are the kinds of people who - if they saw somebody on the street wearing a shirt saying “I love Socialism” … would honestly say that guy should be killed - and absolutely mean it - - these are ideological idiots.

And there are those who hate because of personal loss - there are those who were kind of generic middle class / upper middle class whose families had - and had had for decades - a good life - they were not hugely wealth - but they had businesses - or higher level jobs in business … they had homes, they had a life… and then everything changed - - and they fled with the clothes on their back… they spit fire at the mention of the name Castro … they still love Cuba (they will even quietly take subtle pride in what does get accomplished in Cuba) - but they will carry the grudge against Castro & his regime until they die …


She is off the board, assuming she was ever on it to begin.

Rule #1 for a VP, “DO NO HARM”


Right now I think that Biden is simply playing the “flavor of the day” to keep the GOP off balance. It is very hard to attack a number of potential VP picks, and nothing that the Don said about Joe was sticking.


the nice black lady in HR: non-aggressive, talks in dulcet tones, never rocks the boat, always takes the company line defending the status quo.

This is racist and sexist and it won’t apply to more than a few of the Black women Biden is considering. Also Biden is being advised by a Black woman who has none of these traits, she has his ear far more often than does Rendell. Ed brings the dough, Dodd bring out of touch Old White Man cred, Symone Sanders brings the smarts.


nothing that the Don said about Joe anyone was ever going to stick.

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The GOP has been French-kissing Putin for years.

Even as he hacks our elections and murders our men and women in uniform.

Anyone who condemns Cuba while voting Republican is breathtakingly hypocritical.


This year in particular. He’s literally killing Floridians. Killing them dead. I’d be more offended as a Floridian by that than I would over somebody saying something complimentary about the Cuban health system.


I have a strong feeling we all may end up where we started, which is to say with Kamala Harris.

Bass is really a lot like Pence – she’s never needed the votes of anyone outside of the majority in her state, she’s only needed to appeal to voters in West LA and Culver City. As a result, she’s probably said a lot that would sound bad to the other party.

That said, I didn’t read Bass’ Scientology remarks or her Cuba remarks as beyond the pale. Remember Reverend Wright? We don’t have to accept the idea that everything that Tucker Carlson can call “Socialist!” is disqualifying. Castro is dead, and Bernie Sanders has higher approval ratings in his state than Marco Rubio has in his. Bass is not my first choice, but I don’t think we have to accept Fox News sound and fury as necessarily signifying very much at all.


The Cuban people themselves would be doing a lot better if moron hadn’t announced in 2017 he was reversing Obama’s outreach.


Marco Rubio is a wannabe.


Marco Rubio is one of the most insecure, feckless and groveling pols in the United States Government.


I could write five GOP attack ads against Jesus Christ as VP candidate in, say, eleven minutes. No problem at all. So could they.


Notice the quiet confidence of the other contenders…

Just sayin’


She was not a teenage. She was a full fledged member of Congress. Next.

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