Top House Republicans Line Up Behind Liz Cheney’s Primary Challenger | Talking Points Memo

Reminds me of Baghdad Bob.


The pragmatic thing to do would be for WY Dems to all vote for Cheney.


All two of them?


The Republican Party is eating itself because this isn’t sustainable. Just look at what’s happening in Texas now after Republicans blithely passed an odious restrictive voting bill. Some counties are actually going to Biden’s DoJ to figure out what went wrong and what to do to rectify the situation.

The people Trump is endorsing largely are incompetent, craven, and without ideas or thoughts on how to govern or how to improve life in America. While they can do tremendous damage in the short to medium term, it’s a death rattle for a once proud party.


What could it hoit?


Does Wyoming have an open primary? If not, what’s the point? If she wins the primary, odds are she wins the general anyway.

St. Ronnie has been displaced by Fat Donnie.



I guess they didn’t do with Hageman what they never do with any person trying to jump on Trump’s train, vet them.

But his choice to replace her, Harriet Hageman, was not always a loyal soldier herself. She was part of the final Republican resistance to his ascent in 2016, backing doomed procedural measures at the party’s national convention aimed at stripping him of the presidential nomination he had clinched two months earlier.

Ms. Hageman worked with fellow supporters of Senator Ted Cruz of Texas in a failed effort to force a vote on the convention floor between Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz, regardless of the results of the primaries and caucuses held across America. Calling Mr. Trump “the weakest candidate,” Ms. Hageman attributed his rise to Democrats who she claimed had voted in Republican primaries.


A reflection of their constituents?


One day, republicans are going to wake up and realize that Trump has been scamming them all along, he is sucking up most of the political contribution dollars, laundering the money a little bit and pocketing it.


Bagdad Bob was just born in the wrong Era. Poor guy missed his calling.


I was thinking the same thing. They are a bunch of cannibals eating their own. Go figure.


Liz could pull a Murkowski. Run as an independent, pick up some old guard GOP along with Dems. Sure, she’s a Cheney, but she’s not rat-fucking nuts.


And they should wear the symbol of the American Red Cross. I believe that’s a series of alternating red and white concentric circles. Guaranteed to protect you from unfriendly fire.


Not just in Texas, in Georgia the state legislature tried to get control of all the county election boards, and thus in Lincoln County Ga both Dems and Reps are asking the DOJ to step in against the county board of elections.


The first lie is the hardest – just enough to justify some policy or tax cut or election result without offending the conscience too much. After that, they get easier, one after the other, until they become the norm.

Then the brutality, crimes, and torture follow. Soon, the cruelty – which began as a means to an end – becomes the end, itself.

The Bolsheviks learned that, as did the Nazis, the CCP, the Khmer Rouge, and every other populist movement that marched down that path into the abyss.

Because that way lies madness. It always has. It always will.


If that happened, she’d split the Republican vote, giving a good Democrat a chance to win. Sorry, but i don’t see this race as a chance to cut our losses by electing a Republican. I see this as a legitimate chance to win, if we play it right. ETA, if Cheney loses the primary, she might even help the Dem by unleashing her artillery against Hageman in the general.


Given that she’s Peloci’s far left liberal puppet, it really is.


They had a popular Democratic governor until 2011.
With folks moving to places like Cody who might lean Democratic a good candidate can make it a competitive race.


I think in their pursuit of raw power, this new brand of Republican has no idea how to write a bill, pass a bill, or to govern. At least partly because they’ve outsourced that to Koch astroturf entities and so are unable to put anything together on their own. And it’s giving Democrats an opportunity and causing the courts a lot of agita when half-baked, ill-thought out bills get passed. If it wasn’t for a corrupt group of justices on SCOTUS, there would be hell to pay.