The Rule Of Law Is The Only Thing That Matters In 2024

They’ll still vote for their self-interest. And their self-interest is not to have another four years of a Democratic administration, regardless of who is at the top of the GOP ballot. They’ll turn out to vote against Biden, not necessarily for Trump. The vote-against dynamic is always underappreciated in political commentary, as if it’s always about who people are voting for and not the opposite.

I never appreciated that until I saw an interview with some random voter in, I think, Wisconsin a year or so after the 2016 election. The guy being interviewed said he didn’t like what Trump was doing and regretted voting for him. But he was actually just voting against Hillary. The 2016 election in a nutshell.

This is one reason why I’m not panicking about Biden’s low polling numbers, not yet anyway. We just need enough people to wake up and vote against Trump, like they did last time.


Spewing shit!

What Trump Can Do With The Insurrection Act

I initially read this headline in a different (but only maybe unintended) way.

What can he do with the Insurrection Act? Well, first he can fold it until it’s all sharp corners, and then stick it …


Ding, ding, ding

I bet she can also outrun him as well. “Josh, let’s play insurrection”.


Those poor suckers watching those videos imagine that the conservative Christian woman they will marry will be as sweet nice looking as Mrs Midwest…

When in truth they will get a shrew that looks like…


Your house sounds like a laugh riot. And an oasis of sane political discussion. Mrs. Dr. Strad sounds more euphonious, IMO.


It would have been amusing if the message hadn’t been so awful (and successful (ERA)) - that the woman told women to keep themselves at home and stop speaking up – as she spouted off in public .


So my initial reaction to this, is has Hamas splintered into the Republican House? Do they have their own Matt Gaetz?


That’s the thing I don’t think you quite get. The evangelicals in particular (I grew up in that culture) are not big on civic engagement. Voting is not a huge thing: “God will sort it out” is a fairly typical attitude, or was when I was young. I don’t believe Falwell, Robertson, the Bakkers, and the rest of that crew changed it much. The culture wars have them agitated, but they came out for Trump. If Trump effectively tells them to stay home, I suspect that they will stay home.

The voter you saw in Wisconsin is probably not a member of this crowd. I could be wrong on this: I know that. I could be wrong, not least because I’ve been away from that crowd for decades now.


Trump is not subject to the law. Our courts are actually debating just how many people’s lives he’s allowed to threaten before he has crossed some sort of line. Not whether he can threaten them at all, but for how long and how brazenly they’ll tolerate it.


" Hundreds Of Threats Targeting NY Judge And Clerk"

Feature, not a bug.



The right labeled it “left” years ago because it’s majority truthful so they didn’t want anyone listening. It’s stuck and people really believe it’s “left” though they never listen. Crazy.


June Cleaver may have worn high heels and pearls while doing the dishes, but at least Ward (wasn’t that the husband’s/father’s name?) sometimes dried the dishes as she washed, and (as I vaguely recall) they discussed as equals the challenges of raising their children together. Then there’s “Father Knows Best.” I don’t remember much about that show but I do remember that the mother/wife wore some sort of head covering (to protect her hair from dust?) and normal work clothes when she vacuumed (she must have dusted, too, but I only remember her vacuuming). As a very little girl, I found that head covering weird. I was aware – probably from shows like that, but also from neighbors’ families – that most housewives were expected to do the housecleaning and that some even hired someone else to do it. But in my family only my father regularly vacuumed. We children usually dusted and cleaned the bathroom, also vacuuming. Children did the dishes after supper. (One of us set the table. All three of us – I was the youngest – cleared the table.Then, one to wash, one to dry, one to put away the dishes.) My mother did the laundry (though children usually sorted and folded it) and cooking (with children’s help – from a very young age I made the salad dressing, three oil to every vinegar). Momi was a fantastic cook, and the kitchen was the center of family life. At some point – probably after we children had grown up and were no longer around to do housework – she hung a sampler in the kitchen: “A clean house is a sign of a misspent life.” Then there were the garden and yard chores…


This emperor is more like Incitātus.


Well the Make Germany Great Again government, work well at least for a while. The Make Italy Great Again government even managed to make the trains run on time.

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So if there are “hundreds of credible threats” against the judges, then where are the hundreds of arrests and dumbass MAGAts sat in jail without bond? It’s the only way you’ll cut down on this insanity

Or at least one?

Bueller? Garland? Bueller? FBI? Bueller? DoJ?


Someone must have threatened exposure. Otherwise he would have resigned without the mea culpa.


Add to that boinking a few teenage boys…