A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1474492
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
Fox News blames CNN and MSNBC after falsely claiming ‘terror attack’ in bridge crash - Raw Story
Fox News Whitewashes Its False Reporting On ‘Terror Attack’ | Crooks and Liars
Fox Desperately Tries To Paint Johnson’s Abortion Views As Mainstream | Crooks and Liars
Fox News Repeats Trump’s Lie: ‘No American Hostages’ Released By Hamas | Crooks and Liars
He is not wrong.
Dear lord. All of these stories are killing my holiday vibe. Good grief.
Ah, the bad-faith volleys of the weekend’s shites.
Oh Monday.
Becha you never heard of this
The insidious rise of “tradwives”: A right-wing fantasy is rotting young men’s minds | Salon.com
It’s a neat marketing trick from tradwives to position themselves as a dangerous threat that feminists are desperate to take out. It helps sell the central, lucrative fantasy to credulous audiences: That female submission is a woman’s natural desire, one that’s being stolen from them by sinister feminist forces
But these brave women of YouTube, with their picture-perfect make-up and slender-but-curvy physiques, will stand up to those bitches and restore your birthright: A smoking hot 22-year-old housewife who never talks back, never gets tired, never says “no,” and never gains weight, no matter how many children she has.
By feeding conservative audiences a largely imaginary war with feminists, the tradwives are also pulling off another sleight of hand: distracting from how their content preys upon men, especially young men, by selling them a silly fantasy as reality
Unlike porn, which positions itself as fantasy, most of the women creating “tradwife” content online claim it’s a window into their real lives. Even though, if you ask any real housewives, you’ll find few find it necessary to put on a full face of make-up, get a professional blow-out, and don a push-up bra in order to wash dishes.
Hawley offers conservative politics as a solution to male malaise, but in truth, the last thing a young man who is adrift needs is right-wing content. These materials, especially the tradwife videos, teach young men to expect young women to be placid vessels, who exist only to be pretty and to serve. For instance, one video by popular vlogger “Mrs. Midwest” is titled “10 Way to Bless Your MAN!” and has chapters like “Cooking!”, “Compliments!” and “Anticipate needs!” The comments on the video suggest that the viewers are unaware that this is not for real, and that flesh-and-blood women are not, in fact, perfectly coiffed sex-robots here to read your mind and fluff your pillows
Penny has moved to her security Grinch hat due to the season, naturally, but also stories like these.
They are shower fantasies for stunted man- boys who lack the capacity for introspection.
" I Can Never Get Enough About The Trump Pardons
NYT: A Troubling Trump Pardon and a Link to the Kushners."
Many of us cannot subscribe to NYT and these other sources during the same time periods we want to eat. Please, a brief summary with a little more info than is presented here.
Everything. EVERYTHING in this country has its roots deep into consumerism. Religion included.
We didn’t have TV in our home. So, my 4-year-old daughter had never seen a TV commercial. While at my sister’s house, the TV was on. My daughter watched her very first commercial.
Half-way through it, she turned around to me and said, “Daddy, I think they’re trying to sell us something.”
I didn’t applaud her. I didn’t say anything except, “yes, they are, sweety.”
She’s now 17, and hasn’t seen more than a couple hours of TV. So, she isn’t a consumer.
She’s a human being.
[ED: having no TV wasn’t a moral or ethical decision. We just couldn’t get antenna reception and couldn’t afford Satellite out here in the boonies. But it turned out to be a blessing.]
Good morning, Puppy!
Funny how Hawley’s wife Erin seems to have a better legal career than hubby.
Yeah. About that.
And also,
Money, money, money, money, money, money!
The dude had the potential to embarrass a lot of important people, and like the late pedophile pimp to the rich, was put away where he could be put away for good.
Sux to be an ex-cop or pedophile pimp to the rich in prison.
Or for that matter, an ex-president.