The Right Wing Media Wurlitzer Blew A Fuse Over The First Jan. 6 Hearing | Talking Points Memo

He is the scion of Swanson Frozen foods…makes for an ICY WASP.


If a stranger told your children it was OK to jaywalk in heavy traffic, what would your opinion be of those defending that person’s right to do so based on their 1st Amendment rights?


No cure for their ignorance, but nature might take care of that if they continue to refuse to be vaccinated against COVID.


AND all the deaths in homes that weren’t tested. The number of deaths from this disease were at LEAST 25% more than the official stats show.



When I hear this vile so-called reporting, “opinion” segments, and the increasing vitriolic language from Republican leadership and members coupled with limp acceptance from the rest of their caucus, I very much fear for our future.

While I am not a student of the Rwandan civil war and resulting genocide, I recall two key things about it. First, most of the hundreds of thousands killed were murdered by their own - local authorities, militias, even neighbors. Second, the conditions that led to the genocide were years in the making, with an increasing segment of the population radicalized by talk radio and influential popular media pundits.

These people promote hate, profit handsomely from it, and suffer no consequences for their lies and distortions. If we don’t effectively counter or disgrace them, this will not end well. I no longer trust that our national institutions, plus a strong moderate center of popular will, can anchor against the tide of destructive extremism.


Actually, they would have protected him…then quickly moved him back behind their line as the stench from the load in his pants was overpowering the bear spray.


Trump has killed at least One Million Americans from COVID.

Had he utilized the Agency that Obama had set up, he could have very well stopped the disease in its tracks, like countries such as New Zealand.

On the other hand, if that had taken place, he would have won the Nobel Prize and been comfortably re-elected.

That, more than anything, tells me that Trump loathes Americans the way an exterminator loathes the pests he is killing.


The infamous picture of the stacked skulls in Pol Pot era Cambodia comes close to the Trump death toll.
As far as Muammar Qadhafi is concerned Trump once offered him space for his tent and entourage when he came to New York and was rejected by a number of places.


Well…he could be charged for lying to congress. I think that’s kind of a big deal.


Rick Wilson of the Lincoln project referred to him as fish sticks fascist.


A lifetime shielded from conflict, adversity, diversity, challenge, and other character building experiences leads to a soft, apathetic, cruel, mean, demeaning, vain, vainglorious, contemptuous, and contemptible personality.


Tucker to phalanx of insurrectionists:

“Hey, my daughter is right over there.”


Wow. Best piece ever from the Lincoln Project. No stereotypical annoying background music and slick voice-over sounding like just another movie trailer. No more political genre clip. Wilson saying what he means unadorned. Go Rick.

Thanks for posting this.


Never - NBC would’ve continued their coverage of the Olympics (which, by all reports, is a ratings disaster this time around) and the deniers would just have switched over to that.

There are just folks out there who aren’t interested in anything that conflicts remotely with their narrative.


Now I haven’t looked at much this morning yet cuz it’s just 6:30 in the AM but I did see that DeSantis and trump disdain science in favor of politics and the big lie. This from cnn…

"(CNN) A new political war over masks is already deepening the national divides that slowed vaccinations and thwarted what once seemed an imminent victory over the coronavirus pandemic.

As soon as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rolled back indoor unmasking guidance on Tuesday for a majority of US counties amid surging new coronavirus cases, the ideological conflagration over face coverings roared back to life.

Ex-President Donald Trump, in his latest attempt to damage his successor over a pandemic he himself basically ignored at the end of his own term while pushing his election lies, issued a statement saying, “Don’t surrender to COVID. Don’t go back!” If Trump’s faithful followers accept his advice on ignoring mask guidance again, more of them will likely get sick and die."
… … …
cnn calls this a “new war” …it’s the same old shit … choosing to be stupid.


It’s possible some of them were, but on the side trying to break in.
The experience is always different when you’re dishing it out, not taking it.


Absolutely right. Although he’s already a gibbering idiot.


His father was also a public figure and almost as bad. No surprise that Tucker turned out as he has.


I take your point, but your scenario is not a 1st Amendment issue. People are allowed to defraud the general public legally (cf: organized religion) and there are civil recourses to address them. However, the 1st Amendment is a restriction on government, not individual citizens, proscribing speech.