The Right Wing Media Wurlitzer Blew A Fuse Over The First Jan. 6 Hearing | Talking Points Memo

In other Rumpian gnus….

“Although this court case is civil in nature—and must remain so to stay within the D.C. attorney general’s jurisdiction—Racine’s investigators could still refer any evidence of criminal behavior to other law enforcement agencies.”


My mother used to pull shit like this when she was dieting. I’m assuming it’s for a different reason?


That’s true, but only if there is irrefutable proof to the contrary of what’s been said. And if he does the fifth or the ‘I don’t recall’, I don’t think lying to Congress is a reasonable expectation, but I’ll defer to the legal eagles on that one.


Ben And Jerry’s pulled their product from Israel due to the treatment of the Palestinians.


hadn’t heard, thanks!


I agree with your comment, and fully understand your point. The question I have is where should the legal border be located when you are considering outlawing speech due to public safety versus horrific political/policy statements? If I had to err, I’d rather err on the side of more freedom rather than less. One does need respond to dangerous advice and talk, and that takes effort, but I think it would be worth it. We and our beliefs are collectively being tested as a country, and it will require some serious thinking.

I’m trying to isolate my disgust of Trump and the current Republican leadership/party (silence is complicity, so where are the "moderate Republican Senators right now? Ducking their heads and the real issues by claiming to be working on legislation (as if they can’t multi-task?) from the larger issue. It’s not as much their point of view but that they are allowed to ignore facts and just make stuff up, and too many people simply do not appear to have the ability to think on their own. This recent political approach (it’s been done in the past but in times that lacked the instant mass media communication capabilities that we’re all trying to navigate) is Yellow Journalism from the Pulitzer and Hearst era on mega steroids.


Fine, but let’s get on with it before all the glaciers melt.
Forgive me but I say that because I want to see trump held to account for something!!!
He acts as though he’s beyond any law and it seems to me our various law agencies think he is by how bloody slow all of this is. trump needs to be held to account for a shit load of seriously criminal shit.


Courts have intervened and ruled that certain forms of speech as uttered by a private citizen are not protected by the 1st Amendment. Ergo there are exceptions to the 1st Amendment being completely limited in its scope vis-a-vis non-governmental concerns.


Now if we could just see some corporate responsibility out of those companies funding the GQP and that it would stick.

Remember - some companies DID cut off funding initially, but most of wandered on back, thinking the bright light that would scatter cockroaches is shining somewhere else.

I’d like to see the LP start enumerating the companies that are still supporting the GQP with their dark money. Let’s have a list. Today.


Protected by the 1st Amendment from what? Government prosecution and penalty.

He was born that way, just like Rand Paul. There is no way to take the piece-of-shitness out of them no matter how many beatings you give them.


And still not recognizing that it is primarily their constituents that are getting hit and hit hard with the Delta and other variants.

Talk about leopards eating your face…


Mostly creeps hiding behind a screen.


And don’t forget the orange one.

Fucker C and Who? are excellent arguments for steep inheritance taxes.

HOWEVER…saying they were born that way gives them and their families an excuse. This is ALL training/coddling from entitled, white asshole parents.


all directions… I hope some will trip over a paragraph in the recommendations from Joyce Vance etal… a paragraph inviting whistleblowers into the proper protected procedures…


What about the reaction from the non-Trump world on these Hearings?

Not to do so is a poor choice.

A clickbait Choice

Every TPM member knew that the Business Model of the RWNJ was going to tailor it’s reaction to their Target Audience.

But I can guarantee that the four Officers who gave it all they had and still endured threats to testify before the Committee were not talking to RWNJ America…they were talking to the rest of us…and I do not see a goddamned thing here that would match the handwring clickbait on THAT.


Quite a week, and it’s only Wednesday!


Nature might take care of us (vaccinated folks) too. If the virus has a population in which it can continue to mutate, it may mutate all the way around the vaccines.

It’s best not to wait for nature when public health is at risk.


Could one imagine this as a reasonable image for the GQP caucus?


CHUNK has a few words for the GOP and their media enablers….