The ‘Q’ Behind QAnon Is Conveniently Silent As Followers Suffer Through Election Results | Talking Points Memo

When I hear the words highly shady American “businessman” living in the Philippines it’s nothing good and includes some real life child kidnapping.


Onions are like ogres… Right?


Wow…these people don’t even pretend to try to convince people that they ran for Congress to look after the needs of the people who elected them.

Millenarian movements can and do disappear, since that is one way to resolve the cognitive dissonance of disconfirmed prophecy. See Festinger et al. “When Prophecy Fails” for the canonical example (though it took a period of revising and reinterpreting their end time prophecy before they broke up). However, as you noted, some revise and reinterpret so effectively that they continue on after the death of their prophet. See the Jehovahs Witnesses.



OTOH, I wish I had thought of it.

I shall repair to the waters and weep.

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Nah, Putin’s just waiting for the dust to settle. His Qrew will be at it again after a bit of re-tooling.


I’m reminded of the two guys who, back in 1959, started a movement to require animals to wear clothing. After all, allowing them to reveal things like their genitalia in public just wouldn’t do! It was, of course, just a goof. They were astounded when they attracted large numbers of dedicated adherents (all of whom should have immediately reported for a psych workup).


You do realize it is satire, right?

It’s what Andy Borowitz does so well. And it’s often scary close to reality.

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Maybe Pfizer can also release details on their mass syphilis cure while they’re at it.


Seriously, The world has been coming to an end for HOW many centuries? After a while it would seem that even the dullest nitwit would get a clue that it just MIGHT be a con.

Unless you belong to a subculture in which the End Times are real and approaching, and everyone around you whom you trust and identify with professes to believe this, and your subculture exists within a broader cultural context where apocalyptic stories are well known and often retold. Not impossible to swim against the current, but far from easy.

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Now would be a perfect time for whoever Q is to post the fact that he was just trolling the ignorant, gullible masses all this time, and that they fell for it. Of course, they would not believe it. But, hey, Q should do this.

Putin is “Q”.
At its roots, at least.
There may be a team of clever, chuckling Rooskie geeks actually handling the gambit, and they are laughing at their suckers, not at the rest of us.
It is all SO Putinesque, especially the part about laughing at the lemmings.

Every time I hear “Where we go one”, we go all" now, I remember Pence’s fly.

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We’d never be so lucky.

I’m convinced that any sentence uttered in his presence which omits a direct reference to him isn’t something he’s capable of hearing.

Never. It’s a cult. People by-and-large escape cults only when they’re actively deprogrammed.

OK, that’s genius.

For a moment I had a horrible flash of Tom Cotton outside Watkins’s window, in a long gray overcoat, with a boombox over his head blasting “In Your Eyes.”

I apologize for alluding to Cotton and the great Peter Gabriel in proximity to one another, even indirectly.

Axiom: every Trumpista accusation is in fact an admission of guilt. So, if they think they found a pedophile ring in Maryland–look for the pedophile ring in this asshole’s Philippines back yard.


The Onion

We underestimate Q’s success at our peril. The whole point of this elaborate conspiracy theorist is to create a parallel belief system. Rather than come to their senses, cultists will just believe the next conspiracy theory: that the democrats stole this election. Q did its job.


Agreed: they’re going to need deprogramming, just like every other escapee from a cult. OTOH: Trumpism is a ramshackle house of cards: remove Donnie, and–while the convictions remain–the cohesion will evaporate.

And the MSM will be on to the next shiny object, until a 3rd iteration of this Tea Party starts screaming at Dem fora in 2022.

Spot on! And they have conveniently labelled themselves so the next fraud will have contact info readily available. Just have to fine tune the pitch and it’s Exiled Nigerian Prince time all over again, and again,…and again. The left hand side of the IQ distribution is a dependable market.