The ‘Q’ Behind QAnon Is Conveniently Silent As Followers Suffer Through Election Results | Talking Points Memo

McConnell assured us – repeatedly – that there was no foreign interference. So how does he know that about Q?


Didn’t Mother Jones put out an article associating him with child porn a week or so ago…just about the time “Q” went silent?


The image in the article claims the National Guard was counting ballots in AZ. That is bullshit. How do I know? Mrs darr was an employee of the elections dept here in Pima County AZ. She had eyes on the process. And the whole counting process was visible by cam from the rooms where it was being done. That Q crap is just that. Crap, bullshit from a fevered brain.
It is not true.


“Q” behind the QAnon conspiracy theory — a supposed government insider, more likely the 400lb guy in the basement from 2016 election.

I agree with this. This puts all their fears into a neat package that “Trump has under control”. Folks are worried, and rightly so.

This has the feel of all of Trump’s other misinformation. Caravans, tax cuts, healthcare plan, Hunter Biden’s laptop. All those things are projections.


Why yes they did!


It was Colonel Mustard, in the Conservatory, with the lead pipe. Q.E.D.

The answer is quite simple: The Russians running the “Q” account decided: “Fuck It, Biden won.” and stopped posting.

NOW what are all the Marching Morons going to obsess on?
Will ANY of them realize the extent to which they have been PLAYED?
Answer: Nope. (You can cure ignorance with education, but you can’t cure Stupid!)

More than likely they will all gravitate to the conspiracy theory about “The Lizard People from Remulack 5 and how they took control of Trump’s Brain to MAKE HIM FUCK THINGS UP!!!”

It’s just a illogical as the “Q Conspiracy” (which is just “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” retreaded for the 2020s.)

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The attempt to murder Democracy has so far failed. It was Trump in the Post Office with the sorting machines.


So… I’m guessing you never saw Shrek?

Thank you, Dr

I just meant that the T in the word “THE” needed capitalized for accuracy… not “the Onion” but “The Onion,”.

MayBe duck l’orange

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