The President claims the election has been stolen from him! All major media outlets have projected the contest for Joe Biden! Now seems like the perfect time for the “Q” behind the QAnon conspiracy theory — a supposed government insider feeding gibberish to a huge internet audience — to speak out.
To my mind, the Q folks aren’t notable for being a “movement” so much as just an indicator of the current insecurity and stress that we’re experiencing in our society.
In any period in U.S. history, it looks as if radical movements have been spawned around the crazier edges of our society when we come under stress. There’s always been a bit of this, and quite a lot in more stressful times.
You know, I’ve always thought if the things Q reports are remotely true Trump would have run with it. I’ve never heard a peep from him about Q except that he’s heard they like him.
Remember in 2008/2009 – some conservatives clung to this wild theory that when Obama went to be sworn in on Jan. 20th that Chief Justice Roberts would refuse to let him take the oath until he produced his “real” birth certificate.
I keep wondering how long it is going to take for the Qanon people to realize it is nothing but the rightwing “onion”, and that they have been had big time.
I suspect Jim Watkins is busy trying to figure out how he can keep the con going without Trump in office and with no mass arrests of the Deep State cannibal pedophiles.
Yep, you’ve got it figured out, people – the washing machine, toilet, and showerhead rambles were encoded messages! The lightbulbs were code speak for Sleepy Joe’s forehead! Covfefe refers to the coffee-stained ballot that will put Donald back in the Oval Office! The fake ballots were printed in Nambia! It’s eleventy-dimensional chess!
If the intelligence community hadn’t been hollowed out and put to work shovelling POTUS’ manure, we’d know who it was by now. As things are now, it might be an employee…