The ‘Q’ Behind QAnon Is Conveniently Silent As Followers Suffer Through Election Results | Talking Points Memo

Oh, Trump knows about them, many things he says in his rallies are odes to the zaniness of it, and some he says are picked up by it…I’m pretty sure he does that on purpose, though he can’t predict what they will grab onto. He just can’t go full Q in public, simply because it’s so batty that he’d lose a lot of people.

Just wait, there are two new members of Congress who will be spouting this stuff in hearings and on the floor…I’m sure we’ll hear enough crazy that it will make a bit of an impact.

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Q hasn’t got any time to post. He’s working on his resume


Q has been too busy golfing and rage tweeting falsehoods under a different banner. He’ll get to it when he has the time .

OT but some important Breaking News!!!

WASHINGTON —Senator Richard Burr, Republican of North Carolina, said on Monday he was furious that senators were given “no advance notice whatsoever” to buy stock in the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

After Pfizer’s stock price surged, following news of its promising coronavirus vaccine, a visibly irate Burr held an impromptu press conference to express his outrage at having been “totally blindsided.”

“When I ran for the United States Senate, I did so with the clear understanding that, if elected, I would receive stock tips of the highest possible value,” the senator said. “I feel like, today, that trust has been profoundly betrayed.”

Burr said there was “absolutely no excuse” for advance news of Pfizer’s vaccine trials being withheld from him.

“I know the excuses that I’m going to hear,” Burr said. “Yes, we’ve been distracted by the election. Yes, we’ve been distracted by the economic crisis. But, heavens to Betsy, this is my portfolio we’re talking about.”

Congratulations…you’ve been Borowitzed!


This is Jim Watkins

And he IS he rather repugnant face of Q


Your punning skills tower over the rest of us.


Onion had the best take on this: “QAnon Followers Frustrated After Q Calls For Respecting Election Results, Uniting Behind Biden”


It will probably make the movement grow. Doomsday cults that reach their doomsday and nothing happens, you would think they’d die out. They tend to increase in size. Go figure.


I can see your big green R right there.

I also imagined it’s some sort of bot that just randomly generates stupid shit at irregular intervals, and whoever programmed it is enjoying the hoax…

Maybe someday there will be a book about it in which Q turns out to be some 400 lb guy in a basement somewhere.


I dunno, remember “2001”? Each letter of the name of the computer (“HAL“) was just one position off from”IBM”. “Q”…”R”…coincidence??

:joy: :joy:




Checks from Vlad stopped coming

Go ahead pick a fight with the USMC see how that goes for you.


Oh by the way has anyone encountered JFK Jr? Q insisted that he would reappear again and again and again and again and again and again and…


All of the “movement” is a grift


Tom Cotton is bouncing up and down outside Watkins’ window shouting “Pick Me! Pick Me!”


Move over, AA, we need the space for QAnonics Anonymous meetings.


Party at Comet Ping Pong! Who’s in!

Further proof that Mencken was right, commenting back in 1924 about the Scopes Monkey Trial: “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”

The Qanons prove that the only thing “exceptional” about this country is the exceptional moron fucking stupidity.


All available evidence indicates that Jim Watkins, a highly shady American “businessman” living in the Philippines and the owner/operator of the message board(s) where the Q posts have appeared, is the operator of the QAnon account. He appears to have stolen the account from a South African conspiracy theorist nutcase who pitched himself to Alex Jones and other insane media outlets as a QAnon expert.

This podcast also did an excellent job assembling the pieces:


Marjorie Taylor Greene
Yellowstone Wolf
Man with QAnon badge

Meet Trump’s new legal team.

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