The Most Sought-After Capitol Insurrectionists Remain At Large | Talking Points Memo

Ironic since some of the Lincoln project folks were Rudy supporters and worked on his campaigns.


Which spells “Little Marco.”

Leavened or unleavened?


Though it brings its own questions into the picture. Like, “Why? Why bring a fire extinguisher into the Statuary Hall and leave it there?” It seems like an ideal vehicle for hiding something malicious in plain sight. During clean-up people would just assume it was a vandalized item from somewhere within the Capitol building, when instead it might have been brought in from outside with who knows what contained within it.

If someone had the foresight, it wouldn’t have been hard to take an empty one and fill it with something dangerous and then carry it in with the hopes that it would be “lost” (so to speak) in the mix and then possibly expose people to whatever it contained at a later, unexpected moment. Though considering that someone immediately went and kicked it, that might not have been be brightest idea unless they truly didn’t care who might have been put at risk.


Aussie what you did there.


The Most Sought-After Capitol Insurrectionists Remain At Large

I would check Mar-a-Lago


Doesn’t lift his/her head to look for traffic coming. Was there a lookout person assisting?

Maybe the man who was strong enough to pick up the bombs. She wheeled them, but somebody else made them.

eta: I said wheeled because I thought that was wheeled luggage, but it’s not. It’s a backpack. I think they didn’t look because they’re dumb enough to walk into traffic.

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Which brand and which sport?

Physically heavy, and emotionally heavy. The gait seems “anxious,” as much as it does one gender or another; the arm swing, as well, has an anxiousness to it. And that holding the pack waist high, away from the body, that’s certainly how I would carry an explosive; no way would I carry something like that on my back (even though a detonation would be bad, regardless).


Pipe bombs aren’t usually very heavy.

Some can be thrown like grenades.


The purchase of such fine shoes should be easily traceable and verifiable, as would the police report of the theft of said shoes by some antifa scum with a weird gait. Some poor fascist prick had his cool shoes stolen and look what happened!

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I once held a very small quantity of silver fulminate in my hand for a very brief period. Luckily only lost a distal phalange and a portion of my hearing.


There really is no better way to underline your point than by clapping it out.


Mmmyeah… She’s that good.


“Friends, I understand that many of you have things you’d like share, however, right now it is time for morning math. Can someone tell me a strategy for multiplying by eight?”


Might be more difficult with the untimely demise of the former President’s medical doctor.

Wonder if this guy has a similar quack on the payroll.

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Why, pray tell, has NO ONE in the press or in these blogs tallied up the destruction in the Capitol, human and otherwise.

Dick Durbin has now read into the Congressional Record how many policemen lost their lives (one murdered; two suicides), had their eye gouged out, suffered major injuries like broken ribs, concussions and other fractures.

I have not seen or heard a single thing about this in the press MSM or news sites.

Have you?

Why not?


It’s been reported that some officers suffered spinal and brain injuries, one was stabbed with a pole and one lost an eye in the violence. I’ll bet the FBI are searching for the individuals responsible for those serous assaults as well as Sicknick’s murderer.


Just desserts are all that’s on this moron’s plate lately.

Richard Barnett, 60, from Gravette, Ark., was taken into custody and faces three counts after breaking into Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office