We know this. it’s that goddamned DoJ memo. It isn’t even a law. Just a fucking memo drawn up after Veep Spiro Agnew resigned in 1973 and then modified more recently. I have both in pdf form if you want to read the exact reasoning. And I hold that reasoning to be garbage. But then as I have said, I am not a lawyer nor did I play one on TV.
The overall death rate is probably a better estimate of the number of infections because the number of reported deaths from coronavirus are going to be more accurate than estimates of infections based mainly on self-reporting. There were approximately 150 deaths yesterday and, assuming a 2% death rate and 14 days from infection to death, that figures out to 7500 individuals infected 14 days ago on 10 March. The number of reported new infections on 10 March was 300. This calculation is obviously overly simplistic but if it is even close, we may be looking at a factor of 25 of under reporting of new cases. In the absence of widespread testing, it is probably best to assume the worst case scenario. I would hope that more sophisticated analyses are in the works but if they are being done by the Federal government, their conclusions will undoubtedly be suppressed.
nope - too toxic … maybe use as weed killer along the railroad tracks.
Good to see you 538!
Relative in California called yesterday and said pot stores are exempt, and there’s as many delivery drivers as there are Amazon trucks on the street… lol
Of course weed’s essential. As is rock n roll.
I have a better idea. I worked hard my whole life to enjoy my retirement. Kids haven’t worked at all and they are a total drain on the economy since they do not generate revenues. Just use the same logic Mr. Patrick used and follow it to the logical conclusion. /s
I was out today. And as usual, drive past our local planned parenthood clinic. Clustered together in front, are the usual suspects with their religious signs, protesting the location. I said clustered, no social distancing and these are elderly and retired people for the majority.
They’ve accepted it and promoted it for years…just not as directly as the one-man Texas death panel.
FIFY 538.
Much better idea. I, for one, would never add something like this to my compost.
And, for those that hadn’t heard this, the only pro life any of these dimwits care about are the unborn. Got it? They don’t give a rip about you after you’re born unless you can contribute money.
It would be nice if Texas actually was progressive.
What the hell did I just say? Hah. Right. I forgot, we have Abbot and Patrick at the top.
Perry Mason was cool, until he got stuck with wheels. Then he always had to order around the hired help to climb fire escsapes. Never did forgive him for running around on Jessica Fletcher, but I understand it was because she took up with girls.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
See my post here on the matter…
I was out to get bread this morning. Seemed people were doing “social distancing” with their cars at stop lights. Some kept a 3-4 car length gap
This “smacking my head” stuff is giving me a headache.

As a proud resident of Dallas, I wish to point out that Dan Patrick is from Houston.
As a proud resident of Houston, I wish to point out you choose to live in Dallas.
All is fair…
I offered earlier that Lt. Gov. Patrick should visit a local hospital and get a big wet slobbering kiss from a covid patient. Then we’d see his panic attempts to get tested and being told he didn’t qualify.