It is at this point if a New Yorker says we tried to tell you.
Y o u D i d N o t C o m e C l o s e!
Okay, got that off of my chest.
It is at this point if a New Yorker says we tried to tell you.
Y o u D i d N o t C o m e C l o s e!
Okay, got that off of my chest.
Yes, this is exactly what Larry Kudlow and Stephen Mnuchin have been selling Trump.
The Wall Street must like the idea of sacrificing the old folks. The Dow is up nearly 1,500 points.
GFY mon ami.
Evidently Lt. Gov. Patrick is not from the What Would Jesus Do branch of Christianity.
I don’t think it’s a viable or likely option. But I have to agree, technically, it’s an option that exists.
As long as the fetuses survive, Republicans are happy.
It’s kinda flat if you turn your head sideways.
Because of the prospect of a stimulus from Congress.
This guy’s an ass who has made a career out of making offensive and bombastic statements - to pander to a particular noxious crowd.
A friend has family who raises chickens. She graciously donated half a dozen eggs to us today. The pass off was reminiscent of a drug deal in process. Pulls up, texts us, wife goes out, they exchange greetings, takes the eggs through the window. Poof Gone. Surreal.
This is a common problem with all you doubters. Saving the rich guys is exactly what white Jesus wants. You keep confusing him with that brown Aramaic socialist dude who started losing ground back in 325AD.
Roasted then shredded, there must be a good use for him now. Maybe someone will add him to their compost.
Isn’t that on a license plate or something?
I think this has to do with the anticipation of a more well-reasoned and bipartisan stimulus package in the offing.
That’s what I said.,
I like copying you…
I was being sarcastic.
Ultimately that is how they view anyone not them. It is the same attitude when they shut down jobs and state it is just business, nothing personal. It is the same reason some people who are retired are retired. They got aced out for younger workers to reduce over head on pay and benefits. Right now, the retired and elderly are just their easiest prey.