Texas Lt. Gov. Gets Roasted After He Suggests The Elderly Should Die For The Economy

He should resign.

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You wouldn’t believe what I’m seeing.

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Well, then let’s just expect the Republicans to support Dan’s plan and be done with them all. Democrats need not sign up. The Republicans can have special headstones with a MAGA hat on it.


He can withhold Federal funds from states for a wide variety of necessary functions. At the stroke of a pen.

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The so-called POTUS has blood on his hands. It’s a direct line from his words to their last breaths.


But enough already about Congress and the upcoming presidential campaign.

Media conflicted: Virus Apocalypse or Battle for the White House Horse Race.

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A sitting President cannot be charged with a crime.

Not sure if you can do this statewide, but you can turn the Lt. Gov purple with the effective use of a garrote…

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It’s amazing how disgusted everyone is every time the Republicans openly state what they believe.



Not my quote…but sure.

Oh, sorry for sneezing on you, Dan–you fucking sociopath.


That’s a fairly effective way to undermine the governors.

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The whole point of Church as State is to convince folks to die for the cause. Its Glory.

These folks are worshipers of Baal, but chances are they’ve never been read that story in its proper context. Frightened people do frightening things.


Maybe conservatives are ready to accept euthanasia now?
; - )

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To the GOP, “retired” means “economically obsolete” or “useful labor life is over” and that person is viewed solely as a drag on the economy and nothing but an expense that cuts into the oligarchies’ profits and wealth accumulation. We are cattle…farm animals to them. They don’t want to be paying for the veterinarian except to the extent necessary to keep us showing up to provide labor. They never stop viewing the money in your paycheck as theirs. Putting us out to pasture costs them further riches as far as they are concerned and they would rather we all just be sent to the glue factory when we are no longer usefully abuseable labor.



In the GOP plan, Trump can keep the beneficiaries of his $500 billion slush fund secret for six months. And you know law suits would delay disclosure after that. It’s a half trillion dollar campaign war chest. Today’s FT:


In an election year?

Its a very effective way to ensure you lose the election.