And here we go with the “we are doomed” “might as well give up now” refrain. Thank heavens the majority of Democrats keep going forward and don’t get bogged down in the constant negative feedback. By his hysterical actions Trump seems to think he is in deep trouble, let’s not give him a pass.
Individual Dan Patrick molecules are petitioning to go back into the reincarnation hopper.
God can we please? Put him in a carton and ship his ass to Baltimore.
Never said that. Perhaps you should listen more carefully and pay more attention.
Done? Nonsense. He’s a Texan. They love that kind of shit. Their most beloved shrine is a church where a bunch of Texas patriots were killed by Mexicans.
…and they’ve been plotting revenge ever since.
Well, he’s convinced me about reincarnation.
I’m sure that in a previous life, Patrick was the rear part of a horse.
And it all provides great examples for an expanded, revised edition of Innumeracy
(should anyone care to take that on).
I read both memos the DoJ published on presidential legal immunity and was blown away by the way they arrived at immunity. They completely ignored the obvious fact we have a Vice-President should a sitting president choose to resign and also the existence of Amendment 25 in which it clearly states the sitting president can, if necessary, set the office aside…in effect give it to the Veep, and then deal with their personal issues be they legal or health. And when done take the office back.
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, I respect your opinion. I grew up among Japanese-Americans, and the honorable thing for you to do is to commit sepukko.
I live in Tejas, and I agree with you!
If we’re going to use current similarity as a criterion, I suspect he was formerly a minor but enthusiastic functionary in the Third Reich, probably a Sturmbannführer in charge of an Einsatzgruppe.
Of course, he may have been the rear part of a horse before or after that.
Welp, he went and said it out loud. Gave away the whole game plan. Back to the Republican drawing board…
That’s right – – let mother nature handle it.It’s good To cull the herd every once in a while. Survival of the fittest and all that.
As a 70+ Texan, I will accept Patrick’s bullshit bravado pecker-check challenge. On my terms.
I will allow myself to be infected with COVID-19 and take my chances of recovery – in exchange for trump’s (and Pence’s) immediate expulsion from office. They will be quarantined at Guantanamo while awaiting trial for their crimes.
Nancy Pelosi, acting as president, will appoint a taskforce headed by former President Obama to design and implement an action plan to confront the trump pandemic.
I’m in.
The sick f***ks who dominate this land have made the 'free market" into an all-powerful god, one who demands human sacrifices.
Death cult led by President Death.
Seems like a fair trade. I’d do the same. The emergency started in Jan of 2016. We have been an impaired nation since then.
You’re giving him more credit than I would. He reminds me of what passes from the rear part of a horse. Less the oats, of course.
Good f&*(king riddance to the evangelicals. One of my favorite bumper stickers was “Come the rapture, can I have your car?” They could house illegal immigrants in their empty houses, how’s that for karma?