Come the rapture remember to leave the keys
Yeah, particularly for the high end European cars, they are almost impossible to get running without the keys.
Heh heh, nobody in my neighborhood has high end anything. My wife’s car is 10 yrs old. My pick up is vintage 1996.
Nah. The only reason he wouldn’t be the next governor of Texas is because:
a) He dies;
b) A primary challenger says that Patrick is “weak,” and that a real Republican would have called for the active killing of the sick and elderly (and anyone else who is "nonproductive);
c) He decides he doesn’t want to be governor.
That’s the reality on the ground. Give it a little time and I would not be surprised to see his popularity actually go up. In fact, now that I’m thinking about it, dare he hope…?
Patrick 2024???
And the truly gobsmacking thing to come out of this is that the elderly will still vote for Trump come the fall.
Coronavirus stronger than the Moronavirus?
As I said somewhere I have both the Japanese and American versions of Godzilla. The editing to add Raymond Burr is simply awful. The word campy does not do it justice after having seen the Japanese version. but it is entertainment in a time of pandemic.
So there is that aspect.
Another movie (much better editing) is “The Blob” starring a young Steve McQueen. I might just watch that tonight.
In his current incarnation, he’s what comes out of the rear end of a horse.
District 12 Forever! (SC & VA)
Equally gobsmacking – the young won’t vote at all.
No, no, they will not, because they didn’t get the nominee of their dreams. So many people were assaulted, tortured and murdered to expand the franchise to every adult American, and they just blithely throw it away as a thing of no value.
I wonder how many of them like to quote Martin Luther King, Jr.? I wonder how many have even the slightest suspicion that there may be a wee bit of irony at work when they do?
Suggested edit. They don’t look comfortable, they look like they’re freaking out…
He (and Glenn Beck) says this now, but when there’s a respirator tube shoved down his throat, or he’s drowning in his own blood because there are no respirators available, he’ll be ‘singing a different tune’. But if the profits of Olive Garden investors is the hill he wishes to literally die on, then that’s his choice.
I voted for Biden in the Dems Abroad primary but in what little I have seen of him lately he looks sleepy and weak.
Bernie on the other hand seems alert and well spoken.
go to 17 min
Anybody else having a little buyer`s remorse?
Texas Lt. Gov. Gets Roasted After He Suggests The Elderly Should Die For The Economy
Alternate (AP) headline: Texas BBQ More Popular Than Ever