‘Smoke And Mirrors’: Warren Slams Trump’s Nonsensical IVF Campaign Promise

They don’t need to tell the public he’s lying so much as they need to refute the lies with facts.


A majority of the electorate voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.


I just had a new granddaughter by IVF. I’m available for an endorsement.


Those women are in the minority and part of a cult. What a life.

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I hate to say it but even women in the U.S. can’t be trusted to save their own interests because of what @hypnomorph said.

They are sadly correct.

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The “interview” with him with NBC “journalist” Dasha Burns (his type) was almost a puff piece for Vanity Fair.


Dammed if he does dammed if he doesn’t. It’s delightful to see him struggle to stay above water.


Don’t be sorry!


The thing is, it isn’t “tinkering with his stance.”

It is that he has an appetite for winning so when he’s thinking of that, he moderates his stance on abortion.

When he’s in the room with his GOP handlers, he goes back to anti-abortion rhetoric since pleasing them is his best chance at winning.

He doesn’t have a stance.

He just has an appetite that he tries best to sate in whatever situation he is in.


Someone on here mentioned that the current polling on the amendment has it passing by like 70%. tRump can tinker all he wants but those are some sobering numbers. tRump is like an animal caught in a trap trying to gnaw off its own foot.


You gotta read this. Will the NYT or WaPo, or any journalists here, cover this event the way The Guardian does here:


I just read the quote from Russian tv. It completely flipped my view of how Clarence Thomas’ mind works.

Russian State Media: “You are untouchable not when you’re a billionaire, but when you become part of the ruling class.”
— Vitaly Tretyakov


Exactly right. The US media would shoehorn these ravings into “policy stances”, and quote the 5% of them that sound lucid, rather than the 95% that make it clear he is sundowning.


The short answer is NO. The US media is busy trying to force Harris into interviews, and also demanding what she needs to address and how she needs to address it. Meanwhile, that same media normalizes Trump’s bizarre speeches and behaviors. He literally targets them at his rallies and blames them for not covering up his failures or lies.

Axios put out a 10 point list for Harris’ first interview- it reads like a list of stuff the media has never required of Trump. They act as if Trump doesn’t have any criminal or civil legal problems. They report on his lies like he’s speaking the truth. They don’t attempt to keep him on track when he wanders into whining about polls and crowd sizes.

While I don’t expect the media to hold Republicans to the same standard as Democrats, we should be able to expect them to not fal into repeating Republican lies.


In AZ it’s not just smoke and mirrors, it’s kidnapping and traumatizing girls.

Barlow said she has no recollection of the only time she was found to have participated in Bateman’s various group sex acts, though she doesn’t deny it. Loring said she suffers from severe dissociation in which she forgets everything that happened to her in a given amount of time.



“Every sperm is sacred…” :notes:

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I feel a rant coming on in reference to this story. Short Creek/Colorado City have been in the news my whole life for this sort of stuff, words for which I have none. Half my family is Mormon, though of the supposedly nonpolygamous strain. I say “supposedly,” as our neighborhood in sunny Mesa when we lived there contained several compounds housing relatives (wink wink). The LDS folk in Arizona and elsewhere are a significant force trying to do away with public education, replacing it with religious schooling. Just imagine what life for women and girls could become in what I have often referred to as a 19th century fertility cult! Boys and men, as well. Not that I imagine it could become more common; and yet, Colorado City/Short Creek remain. (Old man stomps off swearing under his breath caught in a double bind that says it’s not good to be judgmental, but somebody has to exercise some judgment, perhaps by destroying utterly that specific geographical location and sowing it with salt.) Now I must go for a walk to cool off.


What jumps out at me is Warren quick, accurate and effective pushback. We Democrats have a deep bench of attractive and articulate surrogates ready and able to pounce on trumpie bs instantly. Let’s never miss an opportunity to use them!


The whole concern over whether The Convicted Felon is lying or not is a misapprehension of the situation. Truth/Lies are irrelevant when the heart of the matter is that it is all bullshit and serving the purposes of bullshit.

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