Originally published at: ‘Smoke And Mirrors’: Warren Slams Trump’s Nonsensical IVF Campaign Promise
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) called former President Donald Trump’s latest, vague campaign promise — that in vitro fertilization services will be paid for by the government or insurance companies under a second Trump presidency — “smoke and mirrors” on Friday, slamming him for the meaningless promise that she says distracts from the real threat: the…
“American women are smart” most are, but a significant number voted for tangeranus in 2016 and again in 2020. So that statement needs a qualifier.
It’s simple, he’ll sign a law that requires Medicare to cover IVF for anyone over the age of 65 seeking to get pregnant. That will solve the problem, right?
Trump is a congenital, serial liar.
Nothing he says can be taken as legitimate.
Anyone want to bet how many legacy media outlets put anything she said above the fold?
ETA: or, in the unlikely event they do, that the lede will be accurate instead of like The Times Strikes Again - TPM – Talking Points Memo
A significant number of American women and men will not vote for any female President candidate. Mention it to one of them and expect a ballistic response. It’s not because of her policy, her experience, or her laugh. XX chromosomes is the long and the short of it.
slamming him for the meaningless promise that she says distracts from the real threat: the possible criminalization of IVF treatments.
How is imposing such a thing a manifestation of 'religious liberty?
The liberty to force his religion on the rest of us, sure.
I have a rule; if TFG opens his mouth to speak, it’s a lie.
The only exception being when he promises to screw somebody in an act of retribution (or just because).
The Supreme Court effectively sanctioned that interpretation of religious liberty in Hobby Lobby where it said the free exercise clause allows the corporation to impose its newly created “sincerely held religious beliefs” on its employees.
I just wish Dems. would start saying that and not let up. Trump is a liar. Trump is spewing lies. If Trump’s lips are moving he is lying. Trump is lying, etc. Enough of the euphemisms already. There are no alternative facts. No half-truths.There are facts and there are lies. Simple and direct. We need to get back to reality and stop treating our politics and government like some game where Trump gets to manipulate the rules. This is real life and we need to demand that our media get serious. We need to stop letting the media get away with treating a congenital liar like an ordinary person who misspeaks or stretches the truth aoccasionally. When the press asks for comments on some statement Trump makes we need to start with, “As everyone knows, Trump is a serial liar, so …” And if they push back, we need to slam them and admonish them for debasing the fourth estate by covering a serial liar as if he is a normal person. It’s time call out the media enablers and end this special treatment for Trump.
Sorry for the rant, but this special treatment for Trump sets my hair on fire.
Trump is too lazy to learn anything about IVF, not even enough to lie convincingly.
I love Warren’s quick action takedown.
Effective. More Please!
For the win.
There is something happening in the states that isn’t being picked up by media. Abortion, IVF and contraception have broken through to women voters across the country.
The Kunce ads against Hawley on reproductive rights are stunning. That he has money to air them is telling. That is in a state nobody is following on a national level. I would like to see some better polling in states where abortion is on the ballot.
I voted for [buzz word]
Different day different [buzzword]
X chromosomes are much longer than Y chromosomes
“tangeranus”!!! Love it!
Moralistic anti-abortion crusader was always an awkward fit for a notorious New York libertine, truth be told. But you can’t be a Messiah without true believers.