‘Smoke And Mirrors’: Warren Slams Trump’s Nonsensical IVF Campaign Promise

You can’t get a mandate for birth control coverage. You certainly are not going to get a mandate or government coverage for a process that by its nature involves the destruction of embryos.


Its a red herring. Its not. But it allows him to grandstand and fillibuster without answering.

The question remains “how would your idea of ‘religious liberty’ and IVF actually work?”


And women have two of them.


A fig leaf statement by Trump to give the Susan Collins of the world a reason to vote for him without too much cognitive dissonance.


And let’s not forget that some women hold to the idea that only a man can be the head of a household and the president is the head of the nation just the same as if it were one big family. Therefore the president must be a man because church says so despite how the government would seem to be a “Give unto Caeser that which is Caeser’s” situation. I did not realize so many women hold this view until it was explained to me in detail by a number of women setting me straight.


Just surpassingly weird here at the end of August 2024 that mainstream coverage of this doesn’t foreground the question: is he lying? And indeed, foreground this answer: almost certainly.

Media: We give Charlie Brown four pinocchios for saying Lucy will pull the football away. Ms Van Pelt told reporters yesterday that she promises, cross her heart, that this time, for sure, she will not pull the football away.

Headline: Charlie Brown lies about football.


Elizabeth Warren takes no prisoners.


Righto. And, ah, don’t be a stranger.

Liberty means my freedom to forbid you from doing what you want. That you can get an abortion if you choose, or use IVF to have a baby, or use birth control, or choose not to have children, or be trans, or read the books you want, is an intolerable violation of my freedom.

That’s actually what he means. No exaggeration.


To me, turning the page on the Trump era means we can’t have a candidate who lies more than most people fart.

It’s like the policy debate is secondary with this guy: has he been lying to his base this whole time or is he lying to the majority of Americans right now? Or both? It’s usually both.


Every single word Fat Hitler, and his Republican asswipes say is bullshit. I wish Democrats would just fucking say it. Every single word is bullshit. Just call it bullshit and stop with bed wetting phrases like “smoke and mirrors.” It’s bullshit. Call it that.


I don’t know why the mainstream media and the RNC leadership is completely ignoring this. Skanky’s excremental odor, amphetamine habit and Depends-dependence are major national security risks. That ought to be disqualifying for the role he is seeking.


It would seem that Mr. Trump is gynecologically challenged.


It is astonishing that after all these years of insanity, the MSM still cannot find it in themselves to simply state that Trump is spouting nonsensical lies.


I haven’t seen this - so correct me if I’m wrong…the pro-lifers and the GOP have not gone after male 13 + year olds for testing out their body function and wasting potential fetal persons. Or is that okay in their eyes.


Several states already have those mandates. New York is just one.
I worked in an IVF medical office for ten years. Our patients were given the opportunity to donate their embryos to couples who were unable to produce their own (for a variety of reasons), to donate them to science, which allowed those learning how to handle embryos ready for transfer (as they would have to learn, in order to be professionally proficient), to continue to keep them frozen (which was expensive), or to discard them.

Since the time that I left that field, it has become more common to freeze eggs. With IVF, the number of eggs produced during the process (when successful) are more numerous than a typical ovulatory cycle, but are not considered by anyone (so far) of being a living human – they are at the most, only half of one.
It has also been found to be an efficatious way to help people have the babies they desire.

I think that this will help in some places, but not every practice uses this method yet.

Bottom line: No way is tRump going to back this, because it costs money that he doesn’t get. He is lying about something he knows nothing about.


I would love to hear more about that.


If he said it, it was to clinch the sale, to fool the rubes. He’ll say anything, any time. His deluded followers believe, without evidence, that he’s for them, and anything he says to the contrary is to fool … us, the libs or them, the “Librul Meedia” who all hate him.

Anybody who believes anything the convicted felon candidate says is a rube, a shill, a fool and a loser. It’s just that a hard core of “supporters” haven’t figured it out yet. Most never will.


A message to emphasize on this issue would be to point out that under the presidential immunity ruling, there is nothing to stop 45* from not keeping any promises he makes, or any of the other more criminal aspects of his behavior.
Why the Supreme Court authorizing lawlessness isn’t a story that the legacy media writes about is baffling. There are enough crimes and salacious stories to stock the Sunday edition of the New York Times with juicy truth - and yet they continue to cover stupid high school level smears and tweets.