SCOTUS Mistakenly Posts A Draft Opinion With A Surprising Conservative Split

Gee, I hope they’re not holding their breath. Some people might miss them.


Viva Bolivia!


Where was this now?


This is important.

From the article:

The potential ruling is, for this reason, not necessarily a win for abortion rights. It’s not necessarily a win for either side. It does not clear up the issues around EMTALA and Idaho’s abortion ban in a full-throated way. As Jackson wrote in her concurrence: “Today’s decision is not a victory for pregnant patients in Idaho. It is delay.”

“While this court dawdles and the country waits, pregnant people experiencing emergency medical conditions remain in a precarious position, as their doctors are kept in the dark about what the law requires,” she wrote, per the draft ruling published by Bloomberg.

The “Robert’s Court” is a Court of calling “Balls and Strikes” for all the wrong reasons, with little of the appropriate evidence or real merits of the issues being decided. The majority of its rulings make that pretty clear.


Meanwhile down here in Ar-ee-zone-ayay:


It’s critical to remember that EMTALA, combined with the plain fact that preventative medicine is way more cost effective than emergency medicine, is how the Affordable Care Act slowed the growth of health care inflation.

Without EMTALA, we’d have the rightist utopia’s version of an individual mandate. The “choice” would be: pay up for health insurance, save up a huge health savings account, pray for an act of charity by hospital administrators, or run the risk of stroking out, choking out or bleeding out in the vestibule of the hospital lobby.

I mean, I’m glad the court is punting this case on procedural grounds because procedure is important. We can’t just have case after case fast tracked on the basis of nothing but hurt rightist feelings. But if they repealed EMTALA, just about everyone who lives here would be royally fvcked.


It’s very likely this was a mistake…it’s easy to put the wrong file in the wrong place, or to prepare a link and then forget to comment it out when a page goes live. It’s possible that whoever manages the page thought the case was done, or was told it was done, and put it up, only to be told it needed to be pulled because of something still remaining to be done. Maybe someone noticed an error in the document and it had to come down to fix it. Regardless, this isn’t a leak, those happen through side channels and behind the scenes.

The decision is good for women, so that’s a plus, but it just kicks the can down the road until some other nut jobs can come up with a better case to put in front of the SC that the Republicans can go along with as better cover for what they want to do. It’s pretty obvious that they didn’t expect the blowback from Dobbs in the 2022 election, and since they are taking politics into consideration it’s obvious they don’t want to piss women and liberals off even more. Smothering this case without deciding it makes it look like maaaaybe they won’t try to undo abortion completely, or might hold back on things like birth control or IVF. Three of the justices don’t care, they want their theocracy and subservient women now, but three are willing to play politics in the hope that Republicans gain the government and can pass laws to do all the horrible things that they can sit back and say “Congress can do that”.

Make no mistake, they are biding their time in the hopes that Biden loses and Democrats lose Congress. If that doesn’t happen, they can just sit there and merrily block programs and laws as they wish and try to hold the status quo until Republicans can take back power. And, they can go back to putting out the decisions they want in the off-election years and hope people forget when it comes time to vote again.

That’s not a bad bet either…you’d think after 2016 and the three justices that were appointed that liberals would not screw around, but here we are with them crying about Biden not giving them a unicorn so they might just not vote for him to “teach Democrats a lesson”. All the suffering after that first lesson should have make it clear that it’s a really stupid idea…if we get another lesson like that we really might not have another election to correct course, and everyone who isn’t on the MAGA train will suffer in some way (some more than others obviously).


Justice Jackson is SO GOOD. She completely shreds the majority opinion in the corruption case.

If one simply accepts what the statute says it covers—
local officials who corruptly solicit, accept, or agree to accept
rewards in connection with official business worth over a
certain amount—Snyder’s case is an easy one. Perhaps
that is why the majority spends so little time describing it.

I mean, SRSLY, who could call this anything BUT abject corruption??!?!

Shortly after the second contract was awarded, Snyder
paid the Buha brothers a visit at their dealership. “I need
money,” he said. App. 72. He asked for $15,000; the dealership gave him $13,000. When federal investigators heard
about the payment and came calling, Snyder told them the
check was for information technology and health insurance
consulting services that he had provided to the dealership.
He gave different explanations for the money to Reeder and
a different city employee.
Employees at Great Lakes Peterbilt testified that Snyder
never performed any consulting work for the dealership.
And during the federal investigation, no written agreements, work product, evidence of meetings, invoices, or
other documentation was ever produced relating to any consulting work performed by Snyder. All of this confirmed
testimony from the dealership’s controller, who had cut the
check to Snyder: Snyder had instead been paid for an “‘inside track. ’”

Basically, this line describes the Alito/Thomas cabal’s whole modus operandi:

Instead, the majority gives a practical justification for its
preferred interpretation.


A few years back, Trump was doing a ‘press availability’ or whatever and he appeared before a seal of the US which was a joke seal: it had an eagle holding golf clubs astride a golf bag. At the time it was explained as an intern who just put up the first ‘seal’ on google; a mistake, a bad mistake, but not an attempt to besmirch Trump. NO ‘conspiracy.’

People were making fun about it, but I took it to heart that the ‘boss’ was protecting a young person from ridicule. (I don’t remember if anybody ever said any name.) “I” said it was just a mistake but people wanted to know ‘where’ I got my info and it got heated for no reason whatsoever. I kept saying NOBODY WAS TO BLAME. Just a stupid mistake.

This was in the beginning of the Trump admin. And things like this kept happening though so in the end I came to the conclusion that it was because the people who ‘became’ Trump Cultists jut aren’t that smart or thorough or HOWEVER to express it. Mistake after mistake and then another one.

THIS kind of shit with SCOTUS never happened before this bunch of yahoos. SO I think I can say that the kind of people maybe that end up with internships or clerk jobs thru Heritage or Leo’s group just aren’t that competent.

And I do not understand WHY the Senate Judiciary Cmte (since SCOTUS could not get to the bottom of it) does not do an investigation of the Dobbs leak.


Well, “I” think the fact the mayor WALKED INTO THEIR OFFICE AND DEMANDED money means it was ‘not’ a ‘gratuity’ (which in my experience is freely given).


Ha, “SCOTUS isn’t above politics” I submit to you this is 100% about the politics. The GOP operatives masquerading as Supreme Court Judges want Team Trump to win.


My first thought was it was Alito as usual! He and his staff seem to make a lot of “mistakes”. Or maybe it was the Mrs. (g)

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The essential foundation of their view is religion. It is God’s will that we should suffer and die, and it is God’s will who among us should suffer. Now, God also gave us science, the ability to think and learn and reason and read and write and go to the moon. If originalism takes us back to the days before modern medicine enabled us as a species, but conveniently only the female of the species to avoid much fetal and infant and maternal morbidity and mortality, well… it’s God’s will.


I guarantee that if they are siding with Trump in any substantive way, the release of the decision will not happen until Friday–or even later.

It’s very likely this was a mistake…it’s easy to put the wrong file in the wrong place, or to prepare a link and then forget to comment it out when a page goes live. It’s possible that whoever manages the page thought the case was done, or was told it was done, and put it up, only to be told it needed to be pulled because of something still remaining to be done. Maybe someone noticed an error in the document and it had to come down to fix it. Regardless, this isn’t a leak, those happen through side channels and behind the scenes.

Likely true. But it’s still grossly negligent and incompetent, which does nothing to engender faith in and respect for the Supreme Court, which is coincidentally massively corrupt and ideologically compromised.

Vote democratic (and Democratic) up and down ballot and for the love of humanity FIX IT.


Certain people in power really need a remedial lesson in John Donne’s Meditation XVII.

Nunc lento sonitus dicunt morieris.
(Now this bell softly tolls for another reminding me I must die.)

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas. It tolls for thee.


And i think the “mistaken” early release was purposeful to stick it to Alito


America’s new national motto: How long do I have to wait?


I must be dense. Where in the article is the grounds for dismissal.

Guessing lack of standing?

Could a legal folk check in?

I suspect the only way this happens is if the Senate also goes blue. I’m not confident in that one.

ETA: Here’s why:

Ten US Senate races to watch in 2024 (