SCOTUS Mistakenly Posts A Draft Opinion With A Surprising Conservative Split

And in contradiction to the plain text of the law:

It’s not clear if a Congressional fix will be enough if the SCOTUS is so willing to ignore the language of a statute in their ruling.


This “mistake” takes away a debate talking point for Biden.


“That means emergency room doctors would be able to continue to perform abortions in the case of a medical emergency to protect the life and health of the pregnant woman.”

And that means that “conservatives” (heh) wanted e.r. doctors not to be able to perform abortion in the case of a medical emergency to protect the life and health of the pregnant woman. Shorter Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch: let the wench die. And while we’re at it, her “baby” too.

It’s a constant flood of this wanton deranged cruelty, but once in a while I stop and see it clearly for what it is, and it just stops me cold.


I guess it’s asking too much for them to kick the bucket?


This makes me genuinely angry!!!
Who do the Supreme Court think they are?!?!
This is America …
Why should I have to wait for my bribe?!?!


That opinion will not be issued before the debate. It will be the very last, Friday night news dump of this session. It is going to be an ambiguous ruling about needing the lower court to do fact finding regarding “official acts” which may or may not have some presidential immunity attached. That will necessitate more hearing in Judge Chutkan’s court room that will then be appealed. The appeal will not be heard until after the election. If Trump wins the election there will be a finding of presidential immunity for official acts that will remain undefined and if Biden wins there will be a fining of very very limited presidential immunity for iron clad defined official acts/


“Never ascribe to incompetence what can be explained by malice masquerading as incompetence.” – me

I don’t buy “accidental” for a second. I’m with @godwit & @chelsea: wondering why it was leaked.


Or be found dead in bed with a hooker? (Of either sex)

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One of the things I like about TPM is there is an ad free version available. This means I can read an article without trying to look around an annoying ad plastered on the print I am trying to see. I was just now attempting to read stuff on cbsnews but it’s pointless when ya get the left half of a page to read and the other half plastered over print is a young nubile woman looking to sell bras. I gave up.


Me either. “Leaks” from the SCOTUS are deliberate
Now… I don’t know who but somebody put that stuff where it could be seen long enough for it to get around.


Mini infomercials. And free!


I have read a little more about this case and it is really part of a string of cases weakening anti-corruption laws across the board. That has been one of Roberts’ hobbyhorses since the beginning. Right now we can assume that a public official is guilty of public corruption only if the prosecutor can prove a quid pro quo in that order. That is going to require the defendant to sign a statement saying the payment from the other party was for a precise criminal act. Otherwise being a public servant means you are free to take any “gratuity” or “gift” that might come your way.

I wonder how may “gifts” have come Roberts way over the years from parties after he has issued a favorable ruling. I am afraid Thomas and Alito are probably not the worst offenders. They are just the ones Pro Publica has documented.


You can’t hurry love, you just have to wait…


There are plenty more from which to choose.

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Now that would be “must see” tv!


Mistake my ass.

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Unfortunately, that happens to us all as we get older.


No, just like 1984 they think it’s an operations manual.


Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?