SCOTUS Mistakenly Posts A Draft Opinion With A Surprising Conservative Split

Originally published at: SCOTUS Mistakenly Posts A Draft Opinion With A Surprising Conservative Split

The Supreme Court’s behind-the-scenes administrators confessed Wednesday that someone “inadvertently and briefly uploaded” a draft opinion, prematurely making public a decision that would dismiss on technical grounds a case that stems from Idaho’s abortion ban. The draft, which Bloomberg Law was first to report, would reinstate a lower court order allowing abortion under emergency circumstances.…

Gee, maybe the Supreme Court is not “Supreme” after all…


Intriguing split between the hardass nihilists and the political nuancers.


I just hope the SCOTUS issues an opinion on POTUS immunity before tomorrow nights debate, so Joe can beat convicted felon Trump to death on live television with full immunity from prosecution.


…If Alito leaked Dobbs to keep one or more trump justices from joining Roberts in a “compromise” that would have blocked abortion access on a practical level but not technically overturned Roe…then who leaked this decision and what were they hoping to achieve?

Alito is a serial leaker, but he’s a loser here and the leak mechanism is different. Is Roberts trying to turn the tables on Alito and hold onto his majority in this case? Was the decision signed off on and one of the justices switched their vote at the last second?


SCOTUS isn’t above politics, so I expect it not to release a decision until after the debate- unless they found a way to side with Trump.


These abortion-related decisions just keep accidentally getting posted. Oh dear, oops.


When my husband saw the news, I said that it was leaked again, but not by Alito.

How very interesting. :wink:


Leaks can be mitigated by condoms and other forms of contraceptives.


One way or another, the Gang are kicking the can on a bunch of stuff; if tsf wins they can revisit and go full Gilead; if Biden wins, they can moderate so they don’t get expanded into irrelevance.


Wait for a week or two.


Nah. Alito playing the audience. One seeming win with an escape hatch one day, Trump is King the next.

If they did Biden should walk out on the stage carrying a 45 automatic. I am sure they didn’t. They are just killing time.


SCOTUS Mistakenly Posts A Draft Opinion With A Surprising Conservative Split

The Supreme Court conservatives have been splitting like this all week. I think some of them, Roberts, Barrett and Kavanaugh, have realized that Alito and Thomas have lead them into a briar patch. They have been using standing as a way to kick bad decisions down the road.


Gee, it seems the Chief Justice is having problems managing basic administrative functions.


If anyone wanted to confirm what they really think about ethics:

They’re not bribes - they’re just gifts for doing “a good job”!


I think they are just more political than we give them credit for. They recognize that doing it at the wrong time, when Biden and the Dems may actually gain power in the election, would only result in legislative fixes. They want to lie in wait until the GQP MAGAt KKKult holds the WH and Congress, so that they can quickly move to secure the permanence of both their power and the KKKristofascist social engineering policies to which they want to subjugate the rest of us.


Enforcing federal laws against local crooks is unconstitutional. If the state wanted to enforce the state’s bribery laws they would have found a way to enforce them, says the court that has enshrined bribery as part of its business model. .


To be fair, they are not “weakening” them, they are merely interpreting them as weak. Congress could potentially fix this one I think. The idea that the “reward” coming after the beneficial actions can’t be a bribe for future good behavior and actions or that it doesn’t create an incentivization program that Congress could legitimately consider to be against public policy and make illegal with more carefully and clearly worded statutory prohibitions…is silly.


The Supreme Court’s behind-the-scenes administrators confessed Wednesday that someone “inadvertently and briefly uploaded” a draft opinion, prematurely making public a decision that would dismiss on technical grounds a case that stems from Idaho’s abortion ban.

Not an accidental leak, but a test of the official draft opinion release function of the Roberts’ Court.