SCOTUS Has Set Up Tanya Chutkan To Fail In The Jan. 6 Case

I don’t feel up to listening, but the YouTube comments are worth a look:

After hearing this, I miss Yoko Ono.

All I hear is auto-tune.

Great , Trump can play this at his rallies and stop stealing music from real musicians.

I started playing this, and my dog came in the room dragging the vacuum cleaner.


David K is awfully doom’n’gloom over the J6 case. He should read the Eisen et al writeup on Just Security about the state of Smith’s case.


This is a great Thread by Seth Cotlar that puts the Musk/Twitter/Propaganda platform in perspective. Well worth a look.

The beginning.

…culture of communication, and Musk is corroding that culture.

Etc., etc,

The conclusion


Jesus Wept.


In their never-ending quest for “balance,” mainstream media such as the WaPo rush, like white blood cells to a festering wound, to transform any Trump PR debacle, like the Arlington Cemetery disaster, into a political triumph:



Wise of you. You cannot unhear it.


Can’t think of anyone better equipped to take this on than Judge Chutkan. The central question the SC left completely vague is the dividing line between official and unofficial acts, and the most unofficial thing an incumbent president can do is become a candidate and run for a second term. But which acts fall on which side of the line? Chutkan will take a disciplined, professional stab at answering that question, including presumptively official interactions with Mike Pence in his role as President of the Senate in conducting the certification. Jack Smith has given her the ammunition.

It also seems likely that deciding immunity is step one before addressing any other outstanding motions. Less clear, but the superseding indictment is a slimmed down, focussed version of the original, so team Trump should not be able to argue they have a whole new case to prepare and that will take a decade or two.


I’ve seen a few complaints from state operations about the lack of RNC support. Also, a few state Republican parties are close to bankrupt. And TCF appears to have next to no presence in many states, depending entirely on local organizations to GOTV. It will be interesting to see if the Dems benefit from the lack of investment by the other side.


I am still baffled that so many people think a 34-time convicted felon who failed the job and was fired once already and plans on establishing fascism on day one is a good person to vote for.


Screwing a porn star, then lying about it while committing business fraud and leading a coup against the United States government are not actions covered by “presidential immunity” which is a fabrication not in the Constitution. Article 3, section 3 speaks of treason to which even a sitting president is not immune. I would expect therefore that lesser charges would also not receive immunity. But that’s just a nonlawyer jabbering


It’s not so much her pitch, which is iffy, it’s the quality of her voice that makes her sound almost manly. It’s just not a good sounding voice and she’s singing toward the bottom of her register which makes her sound like she has terminal laryngitis.

Bottom line, she’s not a singer. She couldn’t win a high school talent show.


Why yes!

My vote in AZ might actually mean something. California, New York, and on the other side, Texas, sucks to be you.

(Great graphics based explainer)


The Mythbusters showed it is actually possible to polish a turd to a high shine.
But they did not use “pro tools” whatever that is.


Kari Lake is seen.

Senate nominee Kari Lake and Republicans are at a $57 million advertising deficit to Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego and his allies.

The woman who got 120,000 fewer votes than the Republican candidate for State Treasurer is losing again.

American sign language symbol for Kari Lake:


“With little chance of improving Trump’s standing, Trump’s advisers see the only option as damaging hers.”

Tearing things down is all they know how to do anyway.


Republicans definitely have a serious money problem. I couldn’t tell you where all the money’s going, but it’s not going to down-ballot candidates. They didn’t put much money in their convention either. I’m sure Trump is taking most of it.


Convicted fraudsters Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman have a launched a DC startup under fake names that purports to integrate AI into lobbying

Well, they don’t have any actual intelligence . . .


Welcome to America!


Wash greens in her bathtub? I don’t even want to wash myself in my bathtub. Maybe the hot sauce kills mildew and bacteria in a way Tilex doesn’t


It is indeed a mystery. Has anyone here ever seen DonOLD steal so much as a single dime? I know I have not.

Why is no one asking if maybe Kamala is simply stealing all the GOP money using her position as VP to do it?