SCOTUS Breaks Silence, Dashes Hopes As Conservatives Let Texas Abortion Ban Stand | Talking Points Memo

(Forgive me if what I’m about to ask has been raised, discussed, and dismissed, but I currently have limited time to read comments.)

Have any blue state legislators (or even US House members) threatened reciprocal legislation in the form of outlawing assault rifles, handguns, or any other weapons whose possession – like a woman’s right to choose under Roe – has been considered settled, Constitutional precedent until now?

If Texas really wants to open Pandora’s box, then isn’t ANY rightwing fetish that Republicans currently consider their “Constitutional right” – from guns, to the tax-free status of megachurches, to money as political speech – nothing more than a “civil” matter, subject to vigilante bounty hunters?

I mean, sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, isn’t it?



I wasn’t talking about Roberts, I was talking about people bringing cases with poison pills that give him the excuse to go against them.


No, when I say a test case, I am specifically referring to one of the civil lawsuits the legislature has authorized as the means of enforcing the heartbeat ban. Somebody in a reliably blue county with a reliably blue intermediate appellate court (i.e., Travis County or Dallas County) needs to go ahead and perform a post-heartbeat abortion, publicly announce it, and dare the panty-sniffers to do something about it. Then as soon as some nutjob files suit, file a plea to the jurisdiction attacking the attempt to assert vigilante standing. You’ll win that plea in any Dallas County district court, you’ll get affirmed at the Dallas Court of Appeals, and I’m confident you’ll win at SCOTX too. And move for expedited briefing and decision at all levels.


(On an unrelated note, a majority of Americans oppose overturning Roe and believe abortion ought to be legal.)

Cristina forgot the “/S” to let us know she was being snarky


No, and the Democrats won’t because… they don’t play dirty.

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And this is where the concern should deepen. If the protests in Texas aren’t above and beyond the norm, why should anyone else care?

It’s no different than the Afghan government cutting and running the minute the evacuations started. If they don’t care, why should we?

The Left can’t fix this on websites like TPM. The good people (emphasis on ‘good’) need to take ownership of this and fix it.

It’s this simple, the GOP stands as staunchly anti-abortion, the democrats a fuzzy pro-choice, that is well known. A big chunk of the women in Texas, that although personally pro-choice, voted GOP because of taxes, or guns, or the Mexican invasion or whatever other reason that they thought more important than keeping control of their reproductive lives, maybe it was because they took the right to abortion for granted, maybe they decided they aren’t personally affected, who knows. But the reality is that women let this happen.

dang, there goes my funding for my Portugal retirement fantasy

Nor her rugby playing sister.

Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch:

There is no way you could have a non-corrupt Supreme Court with this gang of robed assholes.



Exactly, if the young women of TX don’t care why would an old man in GA care? There almost certain that the GA Taliban will follow TX’s example, but again the women in GA have the power of voting the Talibans out.


Mask mandate, private cause of action, $10k statutory damages plus attorney fees for the plaintiff. Boom, do it and be heroes.

(It will never happen, and it would immediately be struck down as unconstitutional because vigilante standing is not a thing.)


Perfect choice of words. The TFG party is committing suicide. For all the outrage on our side this is another example of the fact that the RW is losing.


Yea I saw mistake and erased my comment before you responded.

I will assume someone is already planning this out. My question is who wants to put there medical license in jeopardy?

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Don’t count on it.


Thanks for your contributions today.


Nobody would be putting their medical license in any kind of jeopardy. Performing a medically appropriate abortion is not cause to lose a license.


US GOP Leaders Are Being Weirdly Quiet About This

The Silence Of Fox News

Not a surprise. They haven’t had time to get their talking points organized and distributed to the key people yet.


Nine days out from the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Osama bin Laden’s dream of destroying America is coming to fruition.

He didn’t need Saudi jihadis. He just needed Republican ones, and to bide his time.