SCOTUS Breaks Silence, Dashes Hopes As Conservatives Let Texas Abortion Ban Stand | Talking Points Memo

Exactly what I’ve been saying.

This is one of the best pieces I’ve read about Afghanistan. Most of the piece is how mistakes made during the Bush years and outsourcing everything to private contractors. Money lined the pockets of these war mongers.

Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal could’ve gone so differently (


But there once was Ann Richardson until Karl Rove decided it was time for dumbya to be governor.


I’m allowed to waffle between both extremes, no? haha


Hopefully, this will be the wake up call that causes Stephen Breyer to avoid the same narcissistic and disastrous path as RBG.

That won’t happen.


No one in government has a long term memory. The evacuation of Vietnam should have told them how the evacuation of Afghanistan would go. A government we’d propped up and supported with lives and treasure collapsed, and at that time not a peep from the sitting prez, Ford. I thank the gods and goddesses we have a president who’s willing to take the heat for his decisions, and not sit silently by even while the right trashes him.


Isn’t that intentional? If the GQP actually overturn Roe they won’t have anything left to excite the Evangelicals into voting


None of which makes drumming up a test case any less important. Whole Woman’s Health could have been made to pay the state’s attorneys’ fees the last time it went to court for a declaratory judgment too.

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Way back when the Taliban made themselves notorious by executing women at a stadium, I was living in Mexico and a local TV station went to look for a Muslim woman to interview, they actually found a visiting professor from Indonesia at a local college, and she gave a very enlightening opinion.

Bad treatment of women does not derive exclusively from Islam, and not all muslim lands treat women the same way, it all depends on the existing traditions before Islam arrived, that is why the harsh treatment in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, in contrast with the mild one in Indonesia and Malaysia, Levant and North Africa (The very un-muslimy tradition of belly dancing precedes Islam, and they were never able to get rid of).


Ann Richards was a treasure, but she was also a one-term fluke. Clayton Williams was trouncing her in the polls until he made the fatal mistake of refusing to shake her hand at a debate. Shit like that will not stand in Texas.


I had a huge dust up with the wholly unreasonable Lizz Winstead on social media, by stating these facts and calling them “low-hanging fruit”. I said these women are gettable voters who could sway the state, but she became enraged by my “male privilege” and by my not joining her in her only tool for change, shrieking about women being “victims” and “Men BAD!”

I asserted that marches and mailing lists might get you on the local news, but do not affect change. This was also derided. Ok.

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Naw, he delivers when they bring a case that doesn’t open up a can of worms that would cause problems to other conservative causes down the road.

Read his opinions on the few cases where he sides with the Dems, like Obamacare, and you’ll see he’s pretty clear that he’s not doing it for them, he’s seeing some other risk in supporting the conservative cause overall, not just the case in front of him.

I may hate his guts, but he’s laser-focused on the overall mission, and tries to save the Republicans from screwing the war to win any single battle


This excerpt is eye catching:

Gopal: Well, it’s actually the same thing that they’ve gotten wrong for the last 20 years, which is that there’s actually two Afghanistans: There’s the rural Afghanistan, and there’s the urban Afghanistan.


Never get into an argument with a well-educated and verbally deft lesbian.
It will not end well for you.


That seems to imply that they would bother with stare decisis. What prevents them from approving vigilante standing for laws they like and disapproving it for laws they don’t like? (With a little fig leaf about how the stuff they like involves real injury while the stuff they don’t, doesn’t)


If I understand this correctly, any stranger can accuse someone else of seeking an abortion thus requiring them to 1. Provide private health information (HIPPA anyone?) and 2. incur tremendous legal expense to prove a negative.

Where is the protection against legal harassment? When did vigilantism become an American way of life? This is reminding me of Communist USSR when everyone lived in fear of their neighbors reporting them to the government. This will not stop here. The American Taliban wants women home, pregnant and uneducated just like their Evangelical ideal women.

Must take a news pause. Rage is not a healthy condition.


How about now?

Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a brief statement saying that the Justice Department is “deeply concerned” about the Texas anti-abortion law

AG Collins, er, Garland, has spoken…


Meh, it’s ego. All about his precious legacy.