SCOTUS Breaks Silence, Dashes Hopes As Conservatives Let Texas Abortion Ban Stand | Talking Points Memo

Or get their mistresses out of Tejas first before lauding the law.

Maybe once upon a time there would be all of that.

Iā€™m not confident of that anymore. Not in Texas or pretty much anywhere else that the GQP have their tentacles in the government.

All one has to do is observe the behaviors of the anti-maskers, who are a complete minority in this country, against the pro-maskers, who are the complete majority of this country, to know how this could very well turn out.

The antiā€™s have managed to target school boards that mandated masks. They have revealed personal information of those board members. They have driven some out of their positions. They show up to meetings and dominate the conversation. They threaten bodily harm to those board members.

And all because those board members are trying to do the right thing by asking a kid to wear a mask.

What do you think these same people might do with the law, apparently, on their side to attack women and providers? Especially if weapons can be used without penalty.

This is coming to a very bad end.


That was my first thought. But then theyā€™re so goddamned eager about this shit they gave zero thought to any ramifications. And I can conjure all sorts of truly evil but quite legal ramifications from this idiocy the Texas Lege and Abbott have dropped on Texas like a very wet cow turd.
Vigilante behavior and totally open carry of weapons by the untrained ā€¦ made legalā€¦ on the same day!!! It has become seriously dangerous to leave oneā€™s abode in Texas.


Manchin can easily switch to Team R & his state will applaud him

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Speaking of Talibans and women, I am going to download my collection of Afghan songs before they are deletedā€¦

I wonder if a test case could be triggered by an out-of-state doctor prescribing an abortion pill by mail. Planned Parenthood offers the pill but I donā€™t know if they do it across state lines.

Also, I think the abortion pill can only be used up to 10 weeks after conception, so the timing would need to make sure there was a heartbeat but less than 10 weeks.


Republicans have well since abandoned any actual conservative principles, but SCOTX has a vested interest in preventing nonsense like this from being available when Democrats take over in the next decade or so. The GOP idiots in the Legislature are true believers in the ideology of pwning the libs. And boy howdy, they really think they got one over on us this time!


Well I am confused by the process. The State of Texas passes a fetal heart beat law, passing the enforcement enforcement to individuals with a bounty for a reward. So performing an abortion on Fetus with a heart beat is not against state law, as it stands now? I am not sure how the AMA works, but would they not have to revoke the doctors license?

Iā€™m guessing statesā€™ rights will be involved ā€¦ or maybe freedom from abortion.

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Right because no man has any interest in the health of a woman he loves nor the health of a potential child. Solely a womanā€™s issue. :roll_eyes:


" The Silence Of Fox News

Much like the silence from some national Republicans after a big 48 hours, Fox News is not exactly crowing about the right-wing victory."

Yep. And what I did see see seemed to imply that they were going to run with the ā€œhahaha, look at all the triggered liberals who are freaking out before thereā€™s even a decisionā€ angle, which has me somewhat concerned that the silence is because part of the plan here is to cause a huge freakout and then deliver what I suspect they plan to deliver: something that pretends to be King Solomonā€™s split-the-baby solution and which touts itself as a ā€œmeasured compromiseā€ and meeting in the middle of sorts. The far right propaganda machine will then run with that while the MSM lazily allows them to.

And to add insult to the injury, the false narratives will meet somewhere at the intersection of ā€œliberals grossly overreactedā€ and ā€œsee, the court isnā€™t politicized and their power grabs in Congress are unnecessaryā€.

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And darned few people seemed to be worried about this when the options were available to do something about it.

As someone mentioned here earlier, there was a whole lot of huffing and puffing that all of us were over-reacting to the scenario that, yesterday, has actually taken place.

When I meant no offense, I meant no offense that while this is a huge story, it didnā€™t rate a live blog. The damage has been done. Thereā€™s nothing more to report. The protests in TX werenā€™t even all that large. I honestly donā€™t believe anyone in TX really cares about what just happened in their State. A significant portion of the residents there may not even know that this has happened, from all the silence over it.

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Iā€™ve always thought open carry was especially stupid for that very reason.

Agreed. I think the GOP purposefully crafts these laws to be so egregious while fully expecting that theyā€™ll be struck down in court. They then turn around and make ā€œactivist judgesā€ their rallying cry and they do so without having to actually deal with the fallout of their batshit legislation. Itā€™s a win-win. They keep the base fired up without firing up the left. I doubt this dog ever really wanted to catch this particular car.


And hers was the minority opinion, so Iā€™m not sure that, while itā€™s true, it really matters. They did it anyway. And it could be months or years before any case comes before SCOTUS to truly deal with this lawā€™s ramifications.

By then, hundreds of women will be affected and some portion of them will be dead.


Better than the alternative though I suppose. Concealed carry is just their way of making themselves look like a helpless target in hopes that it increases the chances they get to live their cowboy fantasy.

Why wear your gun openly if that might deter your chance to use it? Itā€™s almost self-defeating, no?

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A helluva lot of them donā€™t. There are thousands of stories about reluctantly pregnant women being asked why they didnā€™t use a condom, with their reply being their partner refused to have sex with them if they insisted on it. But they went ahead and had sex, because hey, human.


Sheā€™s right again.


Last night, the Supreme Court officially overturned five decades of settled law and permitted Texas' unconstitutional abortion ban to stand.

Yes: They gutted Roe v. Wade without hearing arguments, in a one-paragraph, unsigned 5-4 opinion issued in the middle of the night.

ā€” Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 2, 2021

I maintain they will start the drumbeat that says a vote for a Democrat is a vote to undo all the GQPā€™s good work.

The messaging will begin shortly, in light of midterms in 14 months.

Trump couldā€™ve fucked every single one of them while the others watched and waited patiently in line for their turn to be anointed.

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I await anxiously and eagerly the first case to be dismissed over standing.