The only thing they could have done that’s worse is kill SS and I expect they’ll try that too.
Hey, why not? Get the young and the old in one fell swoop.
After the assassination of Dr. George Tiller in 2009, Andrew Sullivan posted an excellent series titled It’s So Personal about families who found themselves confronting, considering, and agonizing over late-term abortions.
One of the many emotional stories -
The Catholic Mother
A testimonial from a Catholic family who sought out a late-term abortion from this site:
At 17 weeks gestation our baby had been diagnosed with major heart defects requiring a minimum of three risky open-heart surgeries beginning at birth, and would later require a heart transplant. At 19 weeks we were finally given our amnio results which revealed our baby also had Trisomy 21.
A surgeon at the major teaching hospital where we’d had our fetal echocardiogram informed us that even if our baby somehow survived his palliative surgeries, this latest diagnosis meant he would not ever be eligible for a heart transplant. As we sat talking quietly in our living room, our priest shared with us that he’d spent time at the same hospital where we’d had our fetal echocardiogram and where our son would have had surgery.
He was there to support the family of a three-month-old who was having heart surgery. In the three weeks or so that he tended to this family, he also met 10 other families in the waiting room, each of whom also had young babies undergoing heart surgery. Sadly, within the short space of time our priest was there, every single one of those babies died.
Our priest came away from that experience feeling that this world-renowned children’s hospital was basically experimenting on babies. He saw their futile suffering and likened it to being crucified. The family he had gone there to support later told him that if they had only known what their baby would be forced to go through before dying, they would never have chosen surgery. Our priest told us that he believed we were not choosing our son’s death, only choosing the timing of his death in order to spare him a great deal of suffering. Something he said that brought us great comfort was “God knows what is in your hearts.” God knows our choice was based on mercy and compassion. Who would better understand our hearts than God, who made the choice for His own Son to die?
Besides, they love the smell of their own shit.
Social media is where reasonableness goes to die, the anonymity and invisibility makes it possible to be a jerk and then return to your day job. But as a woman who’s dealt with the ups and downs and back and forths of reproductive rights over the years and the knowledge that the right won’t be satisfied until miscarriages are considered crimes and punishable, we women are tired and impatient and now add scared to death. I suspect Winstead is good and tired and scared too.

- They plan to gaslight people that it didn’t happen at all
This. LIke I said…they’ll issue some pretend-to-be measured compromise decision or maybe even shoot down the extremely radical nonsense the states are trying, waiting for another time with something less radical at issue to do the “measured compromise”. In any event, if they do anything other than shred Roe, we will be treated to months of the Faux News GQP Trump KKKult crowd saying “See, we told you so” and “liberals engage in hysterics and chicken little lying just for political gain but the court isn’t politicized…we old you so” and whatever else…and I will have no doubt that THAT was the coordinated gaslighting the 5 were engaged in. And it will have been an effort to paint liberals as hysterical extremist radicals and demagogues who are itching to pull the trigger on and find excuses for a massive power grab by packing the court.
I want to say, “thank you for your patience with all of us” as we try to get our minds around the implications of this new law. Very much appreciated.

“God knows what is in your hearts.”
Yep, but in TX every Christo-fascist vigilante in the state now knows what could be in their bank accounts.

Find me a judge in Deep Blue Dallas County
Have we established that the statute requires filing suit in those counties? Can’t the vigilantes file in their own counties? Generally jurisdiction is good in whichever county either party resides in, and that means the organizations leading the charge will find their plaintiffs where they need to find their judges. What does the statute say about jurisdiction? I can’t imagine the GQPers were too stupid to see the issue and make it so judge shopping was totally available…the GQP does it themselves all the time and is so highly aware of the entire court rigging project they’ve been engaged in it would surprise me greatly if one of these suits ever has to be put in front of a known non-abortion0-hostile judge ever.

And…arguing Bush v Gore also too!!!
John Roberts did not argue Bush v. Gore. That was Ted Olson. Roberts did serve as outside counsel for Jeb! Bush during the recount though.
Hey, each brand of Taliban has their own special hat. It’s a rule.

With all due respect, every time we think it’s not going to happen, it … often does. Also, which provider is willing to take that chance?
Maybe this will get Breyer to wake up and pay attention.
Backfire? Mebbe for two news cycles. Next week is years away and when it is next week… today will feel like years ago. By the time of the mid terms nobody will be thinking of this horrible law because some other disaster will confront us.
They might not be thinking about this specific law but if abortion gets outlawed or severely curtailed, even just in Texas, plenty of people will still be thinking about that.
Not so easy to sweep that kind of thing under the rug since women are going to get pregnant for the foreseeable future.
SCOTUS Breaks Wind, Dashes Hopes As Conservatives Let Texas Abortion Ban Stand
Seems more accurate.
Oklahoma Abortion Clinic Is Experiencing Surge Of Requests From Texas Women
There seems to be a disconnect between the people in Texas and their representatives. I guess more oppression is needed, eh, conservatives?
Who would better understand our hearts than God
Not us. Not you.
Steal The Core
I accuse 24-year-old Audrey Abbott, daughter of the Texas Governor, of having had an abortion a year and a half ago.
I have no factual basis for this accusation, but there’s always some chance it’s true, and for 10K with no penalties for a false accusation, what’s the downside for me of making the statement?

I accuse 24-year-old Audrey Abbott, daughter of the Texas Governor, of having had an abortion a year and a half ago.
Bad bait. C’mon, be less obvious and more plausible.

Bad bait. C’mon, be less obvious and more plausible.
I don’t know… the case might have better legs than Abbott.