SCOTUS Breaks Silence, Dashes Hopes As Conservatives Let Texas Abortion Ban Stand | Talking Points Memo

“This song isn’t for us…”

“But usually everything is!!!”



Just want to add a big FU to chief justice John Roberts. Fuck him and his stare decisis bullshit on Roe at his confirmation hearings and a big FU on the “We are a post racial nation” bullshit.
He should resign. He’s getting what he deserves with what the “Robert’s Court” has become and will be remembered as. His legacy is in tatters and he should be reminded of that daily.

And…arguing Bush v Gore also too!!!


Do Jesuits even do shame?


Candace Owen’s covid test was aborted:

Conservative analyst and author Candace Owens said Wednesday that a private COVID-19 testing site denied her a test on the grounds that she is “spreading misinformation” about the coronavirus.
The private facility responded to Owens’ request for a COVID-19 test in a letter, which Owens posted on social media. The company explained that it will deny her its service due to the alleged misinformation and skepticism of public health measures she pushes on social media, according to the letter Owens shared.
“We cannot support anyone who has pro-actively worked to make this pandemic worse by spreading misinformation, politicizing, and DISCOURAGING the wearing of masks and actively dissuading people from receiving life-saving vaccinations,” Aspen Laboratories co-founder Suzanna Lee wrote.


Wrong person. Amy Covid Bigot shouldn’t even be on the court, she should be home making babies and supporting her assigned hubby, not outshining him in the public arena and making him less of a man in God’s eyes.


I guess you missed the shoe I threw at the TV during Robert’s confirmation hearings.
This was all into play long before Amy Covid Bigot.


Ah, the good old days when folks like Roberts and Darth Cheney and dubya were the worst of the worst…


Catholics are all about shame: “What would Jesus think of what you just did?”

Jews are all about guilt: “How could you do that to your mother!”

That being said, yeah, in general, for the religulous, it’s all about shame/guilt for thee, but not for me…::stuck_out_tongue:


Not the Jesuits. They’re fuller of themselves than a Christmas turkey. Bringing God to all the heathens on the most far-flung places on the planet


“Sen. Cruz is proud that Texas is leading the charge to defend life. Every life is a gift from God, and without life, there is no liberty,” the spokesman said. “The question of abortion legislation should be returned to the states.”
… … … …
Ya know …it would be really nice of Ted would apply the same reasoning to fighting covid. States, if they had any sense at all, would work hard to get folks into masks and teaching them to be distant from each other … vaccinated or not. This is public health, not politics. If we got folks vaccinated and if folks would wear masks we could halt at least one of the several crises we are facing. But apparently Goobers cannot handle having to wear a mask.
I hope Ted realizes how corrosive this new law is.


Only one way to stuff yourself with yourself…


That is one limber human and I suspect breathing will shortly be an issue.


I’ve often wondered if Roberts, Alito, Kav, an Gorsuch are sexual abuse victims by Catholic priests. And then I wonder if the entire Federalist Society is too.


The conservatives on the court knew this would happen. It is how Roe is abolished. And again, they do this without having to actually strike down Roe themselves. Their hands are clean so-to-speak. It is a horrible and cynical.

Noem’s proposed tightening of abortion restrictions in her state come as copycat bills of the Texas anti-abortion law have started to emerge in other states such as Florida and Arkansas.



Who doesn’t admire her?


The Republican party has been successfully doing it for decades


Billionaire John. M. Olin (deceased) is party responsible for the rightward tilt of the courts:

Olin’s foundation has helped push the judiciary to the right — and not just through those seminars. The foundation provided seed money for the Federalist Society when it was just a student group at Yale, Harvard, and UChicago; it has since risen to become the most powerful legal organization in the American right, and has close ties to five out of the nine justices of the Supreme Court.

That’s just scratching the surface of what Olin, a conservative radicalized by the 1969 campus protests at his alma mater Cornell, was able to do with his foundation. Before and after his death, it funded conservative media like Firing Line and the American Spectator, and helped conservative journalists like Laura Ingraham and Dinesh D’Souza get their start in college.

Jane Mayer’s Dark Money devoted a chapter to him.



Number three is already happening. McConnell referred to it as a highly technical decision. Others have called it procedural. Sigh.


I have to confess how happy I am that those stupid assholes put their necks on the line with this one. This is exactly what the left needed to rally the troops and storm the voting booths. This is going to back fire in their faces in a major way. I am loving it.


Gotta say it. You are on fire today. :clap: