SCOTUS Breaks Silence, Dashes Hopes As Conservatives Let Texas Abortion Ban Stand | Talking Points Memo

AND here goes the South. Screwing women over and over and over. Copycats because they don’t have the ballz to stand on their own.

The diversion of funds for litigation doesn’t count. But these organizations tend to say they had to engage in investigation, education, awareness raising, etc., to counteract your illegal conduct.

I agree with you as a matter of principal. But I’m concerned that there is enough room for a determined judge to find organizational standing within the scope of the current law.

The DC circuit issued an opinion ten years or so ago that is widely seen out here as an outline of how you can establish organizational standing. While the plaintiff lost there, that was largely because they didn’t have the required evidence to show diversion of funds. I assure you that they did not make that mistake again.

Meh, as long as you die at the end of the stay, not like you have to worry about paying the bill

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Nah. Anybody who gets sued under this uncommonly dumb law is gonna have no problem getting good pro bono defense counsel, who will promptly file a very simple plea to the jurisdiction pointing out that vigilante standing is not a thing under the state constitution. That plea will get granted, the case will be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction, and the plaintiff can decide whether to appeal. There is little to no risk of an adverse outcome in any of the counties where these clinics are located, except maybe Tarrant County where the judges are still Republicans for whom I don’t have a lot of love. But sucker someone into suing in Dallas County? Game over.


But what about HIPPA? Don’t they have privacy rights? :scream_cat:

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Manchin must have been a wizard at that old Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy game – you had to have tea and no tea at the same time to win.


Wanna bet?

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The GQP, Federalist Society, ALEC, racism, Christian fascism, right to life, patriarchy/misogyny are the tools that white oligarchs like Charles Koch - channeling his father’s John Birch society and fascist adjacent ghost - have been patiently using to acquire more wealth to feed their monstrous greed. That requires undermining democracy, but only because it no longer reliably protects their greedy grasping. Koch and many others like him have no ideology, no religion, no morals. The only thing they have is a big empty space crying out for more, more and more. Greed, man. It’s the most destructive human thing. Destroying a political system is nothing to these people, look at what they are doing to the entire planet. It’s collateral damage to their monstrous pursuit of wealth.


The lawyer thinks that they actually care about the rule of law. I think it’s sweet and adorable.

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The political version of unnamed

Meanwhile back near NOLA


There is now 1 law on abortion for 49 states and US territories and 1 for Texas. That means Roe v Wade is effectively dead. Acceptance of this fact and that the conservatives have thoroughly corrupted the courts is the first step to a reform movement. You can see it already taking shape as T-Mac, Gavin Newsom and other Dem pols have weighed in. Jen Psaki’s sharp retort to some news guy who tried to attack Biden for going against his catholic believes by pointing out that the dude has never been pregnant, has never had a child and doesn’t know jack is really the baseline campaign message here which can be modified based on context for each district.

GOP now has to deal with the prospect of Dems sweeping the CA/VA/NJ races and being in a position to play offense on a culture war issue which cuts in their favor.


O/T Look at me
Manchin Urges ‘Pause’ on Biden’s $3.5 Trillion Economy Plan (


"why the President supports abortion rights despite his Catholic faith, which he said deems it “morally wrong,”

Epic takedown from Psaki, but this question just makes me so mad and I wish she’d have said “it’s called freedom of religion, jackass. The POTUS believes it’s up to everyone to choose what they believe and the gov’t to protect their freedom to do so, not use the power of the gov’t to enforce his own beliefs on others…and that belief does not make him a bad Catholic. It makes him a good American.”


Except that the Media covers for Republicans, the story will be about how Joe Biden was ineffective in preventing it.

Poor, poor Karen.

She was this close to speaking with the manager…


Of course. It needs to be slowed down so Manchin can spend the time necessary figuring out which “side’s” lobbyists will pay him more.


So to put this in the context of abortion services, the argument would be that Panty-Sniffers Texas, Inc. would have to divert resources from its mission of miseducating people about the evils of abortion because it had to investigate whether Jane Doe had gotten an illegal post-heartbeat abortion? That seems silly, but it doesn’t really matter because the Texas statute does not authorize the recovery of actual damages, just the $10k bounty that nobody has vigilante standing to recover.


Yeah, pretty great huh? She not only hit them, but dragged one, so they riddled her with like 8-10 bullets. Fuck the Karens of this world.


Male reporter from a Catholic news outlet gets his ass handed to him.

Psaki said. “I know you’ve never faced those choices nor have you ever been pregnant, but for women out there who have faced those choices, this is an incredibly difficult thing.