I’ve got 12 quatloos that says I’m right.
Hey, Texas is sealing its borders, so if we don’t force “those people” to have babies then who will cook for us, clean our houses and mow the lawn?!? Seems like pretty drastic harm right there, pardner…
/s ← here it is
Oh she’s speaking to “The Manager” alright.
Not that I know of, and I’ve been thinking about it and thought it was clever at first too, but why the FUCK would be happily disarm ourselves out of spite when the violence is coming?
And it IS coming.
Has a history of alcohol addiction and yikes committed 15-20 times?!?
So it had a happy ending.
Should’ve followed up with, “And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a plate of baby-back ribs in the breakroom that’s getting cold.”
We supposed to feel sad because she was a basket case? Newsflash: the mentally ill can be complete fucking dildos too.
And the smart Republicans know it. That is why this has been met with a resounding GOP silence. The RW dog finally caught the car it was chasing and all hell is going to break loose.
If they have such a dim view of the law, didn’t they already have a chance to enjoin it?
Involuntarily committed 15-20 times sounds like more than alcoholism. People with bipolar illness and other mental illnesses often use alcohol to self-medicate when they won’t take prescribed meds.
Hear that rumble? It’s the GQP finally waking the dragon. I almost hope this continues. I want to see the looks on their faces when they finally realize what they’ve unleashed upon themselves.
Wait ’til you see what he’s done now.
I’ll let it be a surprise. It’s too nice outside to talk about it.
I suspect they’d dress it up a bit more, but yes.
And the fact that they get the 10k bounty not whatever their actual damages are doesn’t seem relevant to me on the question of whether they’d suffered an injury in fact sufficient to allege article three standing.
Of course, they’d get their attorneys fees, too, which is the bigger cudgel.
Look, I think the diversion of resources theory of standing is stupid, too. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t the law. In fact, where I practice, it IS the law.
To put it less hypothetically, out here organizations employ testers to call landlords and ask if they take section 8 housing vouchers. Neither the tester, nor any member of the employing organization, qualify for section 8 vouchers. But when the landlords get sued for source of income discrimination (state law claim), they lose the standing argument for reasons similar to those you articulated above. They lose even though no actual person associated with the lawsuit suffered any real injury other than the diversion of resources.
I happen to like the purpose of one state law better than the other… But that’s beside the point. I think the organizational standing arguments are broadly comparable.
Yup, and her spouse died. He probably kept her somewhat steady or on her meds.
Like Josh was saying, this effing law doesn’t pass the smell test of simple logic and doesn’t need a law degree to figure out. If I send $ to Planned Parenthood of Dallas and some yahoo in Cass County goes after me I have to defend myself or get devoured by the legal system? On what planet does this make sense?
None. But the SC says that is OK even though no existing laws say that, they have no standing, they suffer no harm yet the United States Supreme Court says so because they want to outlaw abortion.
I think Trump’s picks should all be impeached as being unfit and corrupt.
In other words a Republican in good standing.
And let’s be 100% clear here: this opportunity cannot be wasted in any way. This is the beginning of a collapse of sorts (more on that later as my thoughts get teased out…sense of reaching a point of rounding the bend here) and it must…MUST…be used to excoriate the MSM and blame them (in part) for it happening.
@txlawyer, presumably you practice there and are knowledgeable about the local courts, but I hope you have a lot of colleagues who are willing to put pressure on them and the legislators. Because, so far, the other side has won. (As they have with voting rights, too.)