Hey, wait until winter and they’ll freeze their own asses.
Oh wait, you said “assets”…
Hey, wait until winter and they’ll freeze their own asses.
Oh wait, you said “assets”…
“Sen. Cruz is proud that Texas is leading the charge to defend life. Every life is a gift from God, and without life, there is no liberty,” a spokesman for Cruz said.
Obviously, he’s not talking about keeping children and adults safe, healthy, and alive by protecting them from Covid or gun violence or climate change or anything else - except defending the unborn from being aborted, including those who are conceived through rape and incest.
Why do you think they spend so much time trying to accelerate Global Warming?
Ok, thanks for explaining that. So, instead of suing a woman who has a miscarriage, they could sue her husband for having driven her to the doctor’s office?
The problem is that neither of those two things was ever going to be easy. The For The People Act is a huge piece of legislation that was always a bit aspirational and infrastructure is necessarily complicated. We’re not even eight months into Biden’s presidency and those two bills are up next. No bill has failed as of yet.
Ted Cruz should really just STFU.
What injury does an organization suffer when a uterus-haver gets an abortion? I can’t imagine what that would be. Nobody has to “divert funds” to suing an abortion provider to stop doing abortions. That’s an entirely voluntary act.
There is no exemption for rape or incest. I would not be proud of that Ted. Honestly Cruz needs to sit down and STFU.
Sen. Cruz is proud that Texas is leading the charge to defend life. Every life is a gift from God, and without life, there is no liberty,”
Yep. But keep in mind that if the plaintiff doesn’t have a good faith factual basis for filing a lawsuit, they or their attorney can be sanctioned for the filing under TRCP 13. Seeing somebody go inside a doctor’s office is not a good faith basis for concluding that a post-heartbeat abortion was performed.
Duh. Everyone knows that you can’t get pregnant from legitimate rape. And if that cousin/daughter/niece didn’t want to have a baby, shouldn’t have been looking that hot.
True, but Sinema’s career in democratic politics is done if she’s cut off.
What’s a majority if you can’t use it?
Yep Joe wins a dem primary, sure but he has to do it on his own. Let him do the general on his own too. Spend money elsewhere
Ah, but when Susan at work suddenly stops eating tuna and pickle sandwiches, but there’s been no baby shower, I know where my next $10k is coming from.
I knew you were just ‘akin’ to hear from him.
They better get off their collective asses and deal with it otherwise people are gonna be ruined economically and/or shot.
“…unless, of course, they’re little black, brown, or poor ones – in which case, I’m just as proud to tear them from their families, and lock them in ICE cages like dogs.”
Except elections. Which the current SCOTUS is happy to allow Republicans to cheat to ensure they win
If genetics play a part in criminality it would explain why they want to fuck us all.
In this increasingly depraved country, I wouldn’t discount it outright.
Shoulda got that free vaccination when youse could…