SCOTUS Breaks Silence, Dashes Hopes As Conservatives Let Texas Abortion Ban Stand | Talking Points Memo

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

Can’t happen under this statute. Violating the heartbeat ban is not a violation for the uterus-haver, nor can she be sued under the vigilante justice provision.


IT is IMPORtant to PUNish WOMEN so THEY learN theiR place. AND everYONe knowS you cannOT get PREGNAnt from LEGITIMATE rapery.


As I like to do, may I suggest a remedy. The feds provide free transportation and hotel room and meals for any TX woman that wants an abortion out of state. What would be the downside except the clutching of pearls by the vigilante types?


Find me someone who isn’t. Fuck him and his semantics. SO. FUCKING. SICK. OF. THEIR. GAMES.

Just because you believe in the right to choose and the procedure freely available doesn’t mean you think abortions shouldn’t be as few and as rare as we can make them. The point is maybe we should stop impoverishing people so they can’t afford their babies, make contraception widely available and even free, etc. etc., but the procedure is there as the fail-safe.


Is this Seabrook?

“And since then we’ve taken back the House, the Senate, and the presidency. I’d say that was a pretty big ass storm.”

An overlooked boon for the Right on 6 January 2021 was the setting aside the deserved outpouring of jubilation we were due with the election of Warnock and Ossoff.


Texas Democrats should propose the Fetal Heartbeat Responsibility Act of 2021, wherein males participating in procreation are financially responsible for “successful” reproduction outcomes until that heartbeat is then 18 years old, or 22 if we want to throw in a college education.


Oh, yes. I had forgotten about that. Seems it’s from such a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


There is an awful lot left to be done with that very slim majority in the Senate and even the House is becoming a struggle. Sinema and Manchin are not Democrats. We have to stop kidding ourselves about those two. They are in name only and until they actually VOTE for Biden’s agenda, all their puffery means nothing and is a distraction.

In the meantime, things that should have been relatively easy - like voting rights and infrastructure to point out two big ones - are still lying in wait. And McConnell still has entirely too much power. The Democratic majority is not in the same kind of lockstep as McConnell’s minority.

I’ll be happier when I see one of these cornerstone bills pass, get funded and get implemented. We’ve waited a very long time for this and I’d hate to see it wasted.

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There are an awful lot of men’s rights groups out there that argue in court for the relief of support payments for children born to women where the woman ‘lied’ about her birth control status and the man was ‘tricked’ into fatherhood without his consent.

I wish I could remember the name of the one organization where they’ve actually successfully litigated men out of support payments for their own children. Not to mention the invasion of paternity tests and all that other stuff.

I can’t imagine a bill such as the one you propose would make it out of committee.


Once YOU understaND the science, IT all MAKEs sense.


Those 5 want to drive a stake through the heart of Roe, but I think they’re looking for exactly the right case to do it with. Maybe the pending case from Mississippi they’ve been sitting on for a year, and will decide in 2022. It’s a “clean” case that involves Roe directly.

This one from Texas has the extraneous issue of vigilante involvement. I doubt even those rabid 5 want this one to be the trigger that takes down Roe, but also authorizes unlimited use of vigilantism in state laws. I think McConnell and other R’s in leadership sense that, which is why he’s been lukewarm in his comments. Maybe also why Fox News hasn’t got its talking points together yet.



Support for filibuster reform is officially a proxy for support for abortion rights. Sinema and Manchin need to be made aware that they are now, officially, in opposition to constitutional rights.


You may be surprised to learn this, but Manchin is pretty bad on abortion. He voted in favor of a 20-week ban a few years ago, and generally calls himself “pro-life.”


The last thing the GOP wanted was to actually get what they demanded. That is where letting the riff-raff take control has screwed them. Now they even have religious zealots on the SC. Not so easy to play all the rubes anymore.


He’s worse than bad.

He’s a man devoid of any principle whatsoever.

Except, of course, political opportunism.



Libtards NEED to look to FLIP West Virginia.

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Seems to me you are probably right as to individuals, but I can imagine organizations managing to make the case that they have standing.

I don’t know how the law is on organizational standing in Tx, but out here around DC, it is generally enough to show organizational standing if you can demonstrate that the prohibited activities caused you to divert funds from other organizational activities (usually “education” and “outreach”) to remedying the defendant’s violation of the law.

I can imagine anti choice groups making that argument. Out here, at least, there’s a reasonable chance it would prevail. Thoughts?

We’ve a new version of the old saw…
Texas, where men are sheep and women run scared.