[quote=“darrtown, post:69, topic:212097, full:true”]
My Neighbor LOoked a Little FAt. Then sHE was less FAT after a whiLE. She aLSO is sort of SNOOTY. shOULD i turn her in??
[quote=“darrtown, post:69, topic:212097, full:true”]
My Neighbor LOoked a Little FAt. Then sHE was less FAT after a whiLE. She aLSO is sort of SNOOTY. shOULD i turn her in??
Or, passing similar legislation allowing people to sue gun owners. The same legal workaround could work for any possibly unconstitutional state law. SC is probably going to have to deal with the can of legal worms they just opened.
YOU caNNOT truST woMEN to LOOK over their OWN bodies. I’ve LOOKEd at pictures anD IT sEEMS their REPRODUCTIVE stuff IS COMPLEx and CONFUsing. IF I, as A MAN cannot figure IT out, shouLD wE expect a WOMAN to do so?
You know what IS a HIPAA violation? Forcing an abortion services provider to divulge whether they met with a young woman more than six weeks after her pregnancy began.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) September 2, 2021
The same medical scammers selling us on COVID vaccines are trying to tell us people come out of other people!! Lies!!
A completely off-topic and irrelevant comment: I’d still like to know how Susan Collins won reelection with such large margins.
Mainers are closet wingnuts, there are the same people that reelected Paul Fornicating LePage twice, and that was before Trumpies were in fashion.
My colleague at @POGOwatchdog, @Krhawkins5 pointed out that it only takes a simple majority in the Supreme Court to dismantle voting rights but it takes a super majority in the Senate to protect them. Does that seem like the way things should work in a functioning republic?
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) September 2, 2021
Instead of being a dystopian story for Republicans and their prosperity Christian funders, the
Hand Maiden’s Tail is an utopian wet dream.
Indeed…and 1984 an instruction manual…
It’s the lack of cognizable injury that means no plaintiffs under this scheme have any standing to pursue a case.
Those opposed to abortion would argue its existence constitute an injury to all.
Justice for crimes against humanity must have no limitations.
I’d still like to know how Susan Collins won reelection with such large margins.
Largely by playing the Native Mainer card against the Massachusetts carpetbagger Sara Gideon. I’ve also heard that people got real sick seeing so damn many Gideon ads on television.
Even if the law is successfully challenged, until then it will have a chilling effect upon providers and women’s healthcare. That is a shame. But politically, this should be regarded as the functional overruling of Roe. Make them own it.
And they likely consider themselves to be super smart and could never be conned.
Now, only the clueless would not know why the GOP wants to obstruct voting for those who would vote against the Republican Party. Nobody but a minority would stand for their type of governance.
Just now on the front page, from Mr. M:
I would be remiss if I didn’t add that Justice Breyer is in the process of handing the corrupt majority a seventh seat by insisting on remaining on the Court with no justification whatsoever.
He deserves the most unremitting scorn.
This is not only a verdict on his selfishness and self-regard. His rationale for remaining on the Court at the risk of further empowering the corrupt rightwing majority is emblematic of a further problem. It is on a par with those liberal legal academics who in recent years have penned editorials confidently informing us that while they disagree with now-Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett they are nonetheless learned and brilliant jurists of integrity who deserve our support in ascending the bench.
I’ve also heard that people got real sick seeing so damn many Gideon ads on television.
Sadly, had Sara run fewer ads, her loss would’ve blamed on an insufficient campaign.
With some people, there’s just no good answer.
Gideon appeared to be a good candidate with good recommendations, but Maine is Maine.
Nah. the Taliban’s beards are much better groomed.
And yet McDaniel, the national GOP, and Cornyn have all given full-throated defenses of Texas’ voter suppression law in the past 48 hours, so it’s not like they’re reluctant to speak on controversial legislation in the Lone Star State.
They know this is bad. They never intended for the law to go into effect because this is all a game to gin up their base while never actually giving them what they want. But the fallout will be swift and it will be brutal when a young incest victim can’t get abortion services, a rape victim isn’t able to end a pregnancy, and some woman who had a miscarriage winds up being prosecuted.
We keep saying that - the storm over this will dwarf [whatever]. It was said about the two impeachment investigations and the Mueller report.
I’ve been standing, waiting, with an umbrella (and a canoe) for two years now.
And since then we’ve taken back the House, the Senate, and the presidency. I’d say that was a pretty big ass storm.
Vigilante standing is not a thing that the Texas state courts are going to validate. Record a “heartbeat,” abort that fetus, and dare the SOB’s to come after you.
Doesn’t matter since 5 radical Catholics on the Supreme Court will allow it.
And if that wasn’t appalling enough, the rapist can turn his victim in & collect $10,000 if she tries to abort the fetus ?
Don’t Mess With Texas !
Yup (dammit!).