Scalise Refuses To Blame Trump For Capitol Insurrection After Mar-a-Lago Visit | Talking Points Memo

hahahahahaha I can’t like this comment enough.


Why is a representative from a highly gerrymandered district in Louisiana “doing some fundraising throughout a number of parts of Florida” just a few months after being reelected?


Surprised Scalise is blaming Hillary’s email server or Bill Clinton’s extra marital affair with Monica…those horrible horrible crooked Democrats.

What a country.

And our fearless Democratic leaders like Pelosi and Biden keep worrying about our nation needing a strong Republican Party. Hog wash! As George Washington and many founding fathers feared and warned…that a 2 party political system would destroy our Democracy.

Biden and Pelosi, like McConnell and Bush, want a 2 party system so they remain in control and in power…

Our nation would be far better off without these 2 dysfunctional and corrupt (both) political parties of the Corporations and Oligarchy.

Plurality voting (a single primary followed a final ranked choice vote of the highest 5 candidates)…that would remove the central party control by either McConnell or Pelosi. Something I’m sure all Americans would like because both of them of jerks!

The good doctor’s tale:

Primum non nocere.

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Were they wild and naughty puppies?

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Apparently just being in Orangeman’s presence decreases your IQ into negative numbers. Of course Scalese did not have far to go.
What is it about rightwingnuts that they ALL seem to be uncommonly stupid?


Another cheap, political hack willing to do anything to stay in power. There’s no bottom for people like this.


“Certainly there’s a lot of blame to go around.”

Is he confessing that he knows other Republicans who were in on it from day one?


Since too many of them have become drug pushers, that bird has flown:

One of Farrell’s most memorable successes involved a woman in her late 70s who was using a wheelchair and was nearly comatose.

“She would literally slide out of her chair,” Farrell recalled. The woman was taking 27 drugs four times per day and had been diagnosed with dementia and a host of other ailments.

After reviewing her medications, Farrell and her colleagues were able to weed out duplicative and potentially harmful drugs and reduce the doses of others. A year later, the woman was “like a different person”: She was able to walk with a cane and live mostly independently, and she reported that her doctor said she did not have dementia after all.

When Farrell asked another patient why she was taking thyroid medication, the woman replied that her doctor had prescribed it for weight loss after her last pregnancy — in 1955.

“The patients I see are the tip of the iceberg,” Farrell said


Pull the other one, Scalise. Trump relaxed? With each day bringing new bad news for him in his legal battles and he is relaxed? That lie is not even in the ballpark let alone across home plate.


Mostly it’s that they are actually uncommonly stupid…




Sounds like the latest version of, “what aboutism,” and “there are good people on both sides.”

Aren’t the GOP’s false equivalencies a hoot?

True, and, as I understand it, it’s particularly bad in psychiatry.

I almost choked when I saw the “I was just in the neighborhood and thought I’d drop by” defense. Do none of these people have any idea how stupid they sound?


“If you look up ‘douchebag’ in the dictrionary…”


As I’ve said before, Scalise is a goddamned fascist. I despise him.


It warms my heart to see the GOP stick with Trump. We should not try to dissuade them from their Trump love. ETTD


“House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) on Sunday made clear that he stands by former President Trump as he took great pains to deflect from Trump’s incitement of the mob behind the deadly Capitol insurrection last month.”
… … …


Ya know Mr Scalise… denial of reality is a mental disorder of sorts.

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What these visits with Trump must bring in terms of “show and … threat to tell” for the supplicants probably mirror what Putin did with Trump in Helsinki. At each, it is likely, “Here’s what we’ve got on you. Here’s the cover e-mail with the attachments for the media distribution, ready for us to hit ‘send.’ Now, how would you like your steak?”


Scalise: “I’d give him fellatio if he ordered me”.

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