Scalise Refuses To Blame Trump For Capitol Insurrection After Mar-a-Lago Visit | Talking Points Memo

There is no unity with people like Scalise.
There is no engaging in debate over his views.
Asking why he thinks this way.
No meeting in the middle.

These sad men are so far outside of rational and logical thought processes and dwelling in propaganda sans any facts that they just need to be pushed aside and IGNORED and, if they threaten or attack (like Trump), assertively resisted and declawed.

THIS should be the fundamental Democratic platform response to the diseased GOP right now.


The trouble is that once you start slanting objective reality to prove that you’re not “liberal”, you can never stop because objective reality has a well-known liberal bias. The moment you stop, you are immediately accused of being liberal again.


It’s Sisyphean task in other words. hahahahahaha And they do it to themselves.


Scalise turned his focus to the video montage used by Trump’s impeachment lawyers during the former president’s second impeachment trial that featured Democrats using the word “fight” in political speeches in relation to Trump’s “fight like hell” remark issued hours before rioters breached the Capitol.

It’s totally different to use the word fight in a political sense when you’re speaking to group of people over the air or who are unarmed and far away from the capital than using that phrasing to an armed, angry group of people you’ve convinced that the election was stolen.

Especially when you’re a few blocks away from Congress while they are certifying the electoral votes. The crowd took it like he meant it because of how they reacted to those words after all his previous cues about a stolen election.

Somehow, saying you’re going to fight for healthcare or whatever to a group of unarmed, sane adults at town hall gathering hundreds of miles away isn’t quite the same thing.


Context matters.

  1. Absolutely Fucking Nothing.
  2. Well…maybe we would vote to CENSURE Trump…we would have to think about it…

Let us ignore traitorous sh*theads like Scalise and Teddy. Enrique Tarrio, Kim Guilfoyle, Ali Alexander and other rats from the Proud Boys as well as other Russian intelligence assets are squealing like baby pigs. They will provide evidence for the complicity of the traitors in the violent January 6 Coup and the conspiracy by Skanky and Iwanka Turdface and others to anger, incite and instigate the murder of Vice President Pence in the Capitol chamber while he was doing his constitutional duties.

Instead, I want to congratulate President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and the others in their administration in turning around the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are not out of the woods yet but it appears we are turning the corner.

Skanky Turdface’s ignorance, incompetence and corruptness left us with a huge mess that claimed the lives of nearly 500,000 Americans in less than 1 year. Mitch McConnell should resign from the Senate and give up the ill-gotten gains from China.


no-body just ends up on PALM BEACH ISLAND… unless your boat capsizes and you are washed ashore…then you are met by the PATROL and you are escorted off or ICE comes to pick you up…ask any HAITIAN who has come ashore there.


send him back to the bayou and let the gators have him…

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he thought it was a wind-sock.

i notice on CNN most of the talking heads refer to trumpf as president…the other networks say the ;foremer.

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He’s David Duke with colostomy bag(gage).


Yes, and it’s a commonly extended courtesy.

Should it be extended in every case? I’d say no; and not nearly as often as it is.

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Check out the media ownership concentration numbers - I think it’s something like 90-odd percent of print media is owned by half a dozen companies, the “Big Five” control something like $380 Billion in media revenues per year. The so-called news media pay their “reporters” extraordinary amounts of money to not notice or report on things they don’t want noticed or reported on.

Remember the Les Moonves quote about Trump - “It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS”.

Used to have a pointer to page focused on news media consolidation, but a quick google can’t find it because of a book on the subject is taking the top hits

ETA: Found a page with the numbers, it’s 90% of news media are owned by six companies…

And here’s a Wiki page with a list of some of the big players in both news and entertainment media. This is late-1800s Gilded Age stuff and is one of our biggest architectural failures right now. If we don’t fix it, it’s going to fix us… :frowning_face:


Oh joy:

Ian Walters, spokesman for the American Conservative Union, confirmed that Trump will be speaking at the group’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference on Feb. 28.

Trump is expected to use the speech to talk about the future of the Republican Party and the conservative movement, as well as to criticize President Joe Biden’s efforts to undo his immigration policies, according to a person who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the plans.

Hope it’s treated like a back page story.

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‘According to the arrest warrant published by the Miami Herald , Jennifer Susan Wright started “mumbling bad words” after the victim asked her to keep her distance in the checkout line. As the man then loaded his groceries into his car, Wright reportedly vandalized the car and yelled, “We should have gotten rid of you when we could,” according to the paper. She then allegedly said, “This is not going to be Biden’s America, this is my America” and “we should have burned it all.” The report goes on to say, “The defendant also proceeds to stab the victim’s vehicle with her keys while saying he needed to go back to his country.” She then punched him as he tried to call 911. Wright posted bail after her arrest.’


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his conversation with Trump in Florida was “more about how he’s doing now
nothing but holding on to grudges and cheating at golf

and what he’s planning on doing
hold grudges and cheat at golf

and how his family is doing,”