Scalise Refuses To Blame Trump For Capitol Insurrection After Mar-a-Lago Visit | Talking Points Memo

Louisians should be asking why he’s fundraising outside of the state he’s supposed to represent, like Floridians should have a say in how he votes.


It’s not like he “popped into the local 7/11 for some coffee and ran into trump” or anything.
You cannot just “drop in” at trump’s place cuz security and stuff… It’s quite the palatial estate after all…

And no, Scalise has no idea how stupid he sounds. It’s not unlike Teddy boy Cruz heading to Cancun while his state was in full disaster mode freezing to death without water gas or any other normal utility. The goobers will willingly abandon their posts and their constituents. It comes from the top after all. …trump’s response to a once in a century health crisis was to abandon all and let the states deal with it when the federal government had the tools for a national response. Obama even left trump a playbook on epidemics which donnie promptly files in the circular file. Scalise is just following Goober form. It makes me ill to think of all this, it really does…


Shows formal education does not inculcate rational behavior.


Oh, excellent!! GOOD girls!!!
Congratulations – your hard work rewarded!


(“Now I Wanna Be Your Dog”)

Iggy notably channeled a baboon on stage. One of the most effective primate displays ever, including Jane Goodall’s noted chimp call mimicry.

This might be the tip of the iceberg. This incident is evidence for severe cognitive, decision making and emotional deficits and there may be more of this going on that is not so obvious. Time to take a closer look at Jennifer Susan Wright’s job performance and professionalism.


Cats are pretty immune to that. On the other hand, they are quite the little fascists when they want something.


Scalise would be in the “S” tab in the addendum titled “Republicans”

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Watkins’ defense attorney, Michelle Peterson, wrote on Saturday that her client and other supporters of Trump had believed the then-President would invoke the Insurrection Act to use the military to overturn what he falsely said was the fraudulent election of Joe Biden. And Watkins and others believed “they would have a role if this were to happen,” the filing said.

“However misguided, her intentions were not in any way related to an intention to overthrow the government, but to support what she believed to be the lawful government. She took an oath to support the Constitution and had no intention of violating that oath or of committing any violent acts.”




I have known so many highly educated morons in my life.

ETA: One of those untranslatable(*) German words: Fachidiot. It roughly translates as “expert-idiot” and describes someone who only knows their specialty, and nothing else.

(*) “Idiot-savant” kinda gets there, but not really. That’s more of an actual pathology (see Rain Man for example), whereas Fachidiot is more like educational tunnel vision.


In addition to excusing Trump from inciting the 6 January Capitol Insurrection, Scalise also knows that Biden won the 2020 election and is therefore pandering to someone who is either divorced from reality or believes he can–by force of will–overturn the transition processes of a Democratic Republic all on his own.

Both scenarios point to Scalise being hugely irresponsible to the point of criminality.


Yeah well, my dear, the Hells Angels were hired security for Altamont. I don’t think that got them out of murder charges.

We’ll see where this goes but it’s an insidious argument because it would let her off for believing a Big Lie. That’s a bad motherfucking precedent.


Also (ex-)president.


Perfectly possible. But a VIP pass to a Trump event is hardly a badge of honor.

had met with Secret Service agents

Also possible, but doesn’t exactly tell us why she met with the agents. They talk to a lot of people about possible threats, after all.

and was providing security for legislators and others

Hahahaha. Let’s ask AOC how secure she felt that day. That is all.


Every time I see a Trump story, I think, not of Trump (he is going to be busy with Law Enforcement) but of Voter Suppression.

The GOP is simultaneously fracturing and doubling down…

  • doubling down on unpopular stances for just about everything

  • fracturing into Trump and non-Trump factions

And I am aware of our mantra…“Ohhhhh we are gonna OUT VOTE the GOP because the fracturing and the doubling down will weaken them.

THAT’S where the GOP Voter Suppression comes in…for the GOP to make up for its unpopularity. We MUST get a comprehensive, National Voting Rights ACT



Please, go on. This is fascinating.


“The attorney also noted that Watkins now faces risks in jail, because of the coronavirus and because she is transgender.”

Had not caught that before. Guess she was not paying to much attention to the vibe of the previous administration.


There is sooo much more that is yet to come out about the clusterfuckery of the last four years.