RonJon Wants To Know: Why Is The Government Rushing To Vaccinate Everyone? | Talking Points Memo

Reading that is terrifying. But on the other hand, my wife goes to her ophthalmologist 4 times a year and she gets a direction injection in the eye for holding off MD. I never thought she could do it, but now it is routine for her.


I usually say that there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.

Never have to adjust categories then.


About as much as the GQP legislature has done to help their people during this pandemic. RoJo voted against the COVID relief bill.

This is what he said about the bill, in his typically self-righteous tone:

Johnson Statement on COVID Package Vote - Ron Johnson Senator from Wisconsin (

The rest of the country (the normal ones, anyway) react:

Democrats target Johnson, Rubio for votes against COVID-19 relief package - Roll Call

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Dear Senator Johnson

570 thousand deaths is that not reason enough? 32 million cases is that not enough? A squeeze on our urban, rural, and government health care facilities is that enough? Massive turnover and burnout within the medical field, top to bottom, is that enough? If these problems are not big enough for your attention, then why do you and your party focus on issues/policy that is so small and unfounded by data, such as your policy on transgender youth and your focus on election fraud? Maybe your party is not up for the challenge? Maybe you and your party are overwhelmed by the nature of this crisis, but my party is doing something about it, your party, as you have done here, is fighting it. It would be just a political argument but as I started in this comment there have 570,000 Americans who have died from this virus. 32 million cases and you expect me to take you seriously with the shenanigans that you and your party have brought to us? You call that leadership? It is all just a game to you guys! So sad.


You don’t understand - this guy is the poster boy for T****"s hoax nonsense. His supporters are fine with it.

The rest of us, not so much.

I have to wonder how he deals with constituents that have lost family members to this virus. I guess they just didn’t die. Or something.


That makes me afraid to ask why.


It’s was all in the delivery, that’s what made that line memorable for me.

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Shut up Con Johnson.

The Wall Street Journal reports that “Foxconn is scaling back plans” of investing $10 billion into the Badger state. How much will they be “scaling back?” Oh, no less than nine-billion, two-hundred-twenty-eight million dollars back. CNN and the WSJ report that the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. and Foxconn had signed a “revised incentive deal outlining a $672 million investment from Foxconn that will create fewer than 1,500 jobs.”

The new deal reportedly stipulates that if Foxconn can invest $672 million (that’s a “m” not a “b”) and create 1,454 jobs by 2025, they will qualify for $80 million in incentives. Gov. Evers says this new deal will save Wisconsin taxpayers “a total of $2.77 billion compared to the previous contract, maintain accountability measures requiring job creation to receive incentives, and protect hundreds of millions of dollars in local and state infrastructure investments made in support of the project.” Evers explained that the tax incentives in this new deal match the incentive deals offered to all companies coming to the state.


Wait! I thought COVID is a hoax!!! I’m sooo confused. /s


It was God’s choice to bring them back home.

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I know a Trumper who’s mom died of COVID who voted for Trump again anyway.


Because we are tired of seeing Covid truthers getting other people killed dead whether they want to be or not. The only person that pleases is Putin.

Oh. And yeah …how about you stay home this Fourth of July?


He can rationalize and then compartment those deaths. Nice bit of sociopathy. Texas has a lot of that. Dan Patrick is another good example of that as is Ted Cruz. Well any Republican in office or seeking such. Basically, we have a lot of sick puppies running around in government right now. I didn’t include Gohmert because that boy just ain’t right in any context.


It’s part of “It was God’s will”.


Yeah it is only 6000 or 7000 Wisconsinites dead.

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Have you had much contact with Republican religious folk? L-O-G-I-C is a dirty word, they take things on faith, and they’re God’s chosen people.

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One of my daughters is a Monet fan. (Well, isn’t everyone?) You gave me an idea for a road trip. We could both use the diversion.


It’s really great. What’s amazing is how many of the great pictures in the show are still in private collections. Lots and lots.

I imagine them in New York apartments, in living rooms, over the sofas.


I’m sure FBI counterintelligence will be glad to know that their target, Ron Jonhson, is a strong advocate of “the right to gather information”.

Well, the entire point of vaccinating Americans is to get the pandemic under control so the country doesn’t have to be “locked down” (not that we ever really did that).